
hóu qiē chú shù
  • laryngectomy
喉切除术[hóu qiē chú shù]
  1. CO2激光治疗早期声门型喉癌疗效分析目的:总结喉癌全喉切除术后Ⅰ期安放发音管发音重建的临床经验。

    To analyse the clinical experience of placing voicing tube reconstructing vocalization at first phase after total laryngectomy in cases of carcinoma of larynx .

  2. T3、T4声门癌扩大部分喉切除术疗效分析

    An analysis of curative effect in extended partial laryngectomy for T3 and T4 glottic cancer of the larynx

  3. 方法:以综合生活质量评定问卷(QOL)调查了42例行喉切除术后患者的生活质量。

    Methods : 42 patients with laryngeal cancer or hypopharyngeal cancer following laryngectomy were evaluated with a General Quality of Life Inventory .

  4. 部分喉切除术治疗喉癌T3及T4病变T3、T4声门癌扩大部分喉切除术疗效分析

    Partial laryngectomy for treatment of the laryngeal cancer of T_3 and T_4 categories AN ANALYSIS OF CURATIVE EFFECT IN EXTENDED PARTIAL LARYNGECTOMY FOR T3 AND T4 GLOTTIC CANCER OF THE LARYNX

  5. 全喉切除术后Blom-Singer法发音效果与气管食管气流动力学、新声门动态学的关系

    Relationship Between Pronunciation Effect of Blom-Singer Technique after Total Laryngectomy and Tracheoesophageal Air Flow Dynamics and Slow Motion of Neo-glottis

  6. 结论:术前未行放疗的喉癌、梨状窝癌患者行全喉切除术后48~72h经口进食是安全可行的。

    Conclusion : Our results indicate that in the patient population initiation of oral feeding 48 to 72 h after total laryngectomy of carcinoma of the larynx or pyriform sinus is a safe clinical practice .

  7. 目的对叠盖成型部分喉切除术(PLIL)治疗临床上T1~2N0M0单侧声带癌进行临床研究。

    Objective To study on the treatment of T 1 ~ 2 N 0M 0 vocal card carcinoma with partial laryngectomy with imbrication laryngoplasty ( PLIL ) .

  8. 方法:9例喉癌患者中,行部分喉切除或全喉切除术后,应用缓降解BMG植入喉框架缺损区或胸骨舌骨肌内,构建新的甲状软骨及喉的外形;

    Method : Partial laryngectomy and total laryngectomy were performed in nine cases with laryngeal cancer , then delayed degradation BMG be implanted in the defect of laryngeal frame or inside sterno-hyoid muscle to build the laryngeal external form .

  9. 方法:7例喉癌病变范围T3N0M0行次全喉切除术,术中保留健侧的披裂软骨及杓间区粘膜,用披裂软骨与下咽粘膜制作具有括约功能的喉发声管。

    Method : Seven cases with laryngeal carcinoma ( T 3N 0M 0 ) were treated with secondary total laryngectomy . The arytenoid cartilage of the healthy side and interarytenoid fold were remained . A laryngeal phonatory tube with sphincteral function was constructed with arytenoid cartilage and hypopharyngeal mucosa .

  10. 同种异体软骨移植在喉切除术后修复中的应用

    Thyroid cartilage homograft used in restoration of respiratory function after laryngectomy

  11. 全喉切除术后食道语复声训练的影响因素

    Influential factors on the sound training through the esophagus after total

  12. 选择性咽缩肌切断术在全喉切除术后发音重建中的作用

    The role of selective myotomy for voice restoration after total laryngectomy

  13. 跨声门癌扩大部分喉切除术重建方法与疗效评价

    A clinical evaluation on reconstruction in extended partial laryngectomy for transglottic cancer

  14. 晚期声门癌扩大部分喉切除术的疗效评价

    Extended Partial Laryngectomy in the Treatment of Advanced Glottic Cancer

  15. 垂直部分喉切除术后声功能的客观定量评价

    Quantitative and objective evaluation of vocal function after vertical hemilaryngectomy

  16. 喉肿瘤;喉切除术;冷冻切片;切缘。

    Tumor of larynx ; Laryngectomy ; Frozen section ; Incised margin .

  17. 垂直部分喉切除术治疗声门型喉癌23例临床分析

    Clinic research of vertical partial laryngectomy for glottic carcinoma of the larynx

  18. 全喉切除术后不置鼻胃管的优点

    The Advantage without Insertion of Nasogastric Tube After Total Laryngectomy

  19. 喉癌部分喉切除术后应用甲状软骨膜修复喉缺损10例报告

    Repair of Defect of Partial Larynx in Laryngocarcinoma Using Thyroid Cartilage Membrane

  20. 水平垂直半喉切除术41例报告

    A Preliminary Evaluation of the Horizontal-Vertical Hemilaryngectomy in 41 cases

  21. 目的:探讨部分喉切除术患者营养支持的护理。

    Objective To study the nutritional nursing of patients after partial laryngectomy .

  22. 同种异体鼻中隔软骨在部分喉切除术中的应用

    The usage of allograft nasal septal cartilage in partial laryngectomy

  23. 喉切除术后发生咽瘘的影响因素分析及其预防

    Analysis of factors associated with pharyngocutaneous fistula after total laryngectomy

  24. 全喉切除术后早期经口进食的临床观察

    The clinical observation of early oral feeding following total laryngectomy

  25. 近似全喉切除术治疗T3、T4期喉癌的康复疗效

    The recovered curative effect of near-total laryngectomy for T_3 , T_4 laryngeal cancer

  26. 自护理论在全喉切除术患者护理中的应用

    Application of Self-care Theory in the Patients Undergoing Laryngectomy

  27. 部分喉切除术几种修复方式的疗效观察

    Efficacy of Different Materials in the Repair of the Wound from Partial Laryngectomy

  28. 喉切除术后患者生活质量的调查研究

    Investigation of quality of life of patients following laryngectomy

  29. 新法全喉切除术后发音再造术&功能性气管食管瘘

    A New Technique for Vocal Rehabilitation after Total Laryngectomy & Functional Tracheo-esophageal Shunt

  30. 全喉切除术对患者生活质量的影响及护理

    The Effect of Total Laryngectomy on the Patients Life Quality and Nursing Intervention