
xiù jué sànɡ shī
  • anosmia;anosphrasia
  1. 1例术后随访18个月,另1例术后随访6个月,MRI未见肿瘤复发。无嗅觉丧失、无鼻中隔穿孔等并发症。

    During the 6 or 18 months follow-ups respectively on two patients , there was no residual or recurrent tumor on MRI and no complications such as anosphrasia and septal perforation etc.

  2. 术后远期并发症2例,小便失禁1例,嗅觉丧失1例。

    Postoperative long-term complications happened in two cases ( urinary incontinence and olfactory loss respectively in1case ) .

  3. 不过另有报道发现锌鼻腔喷雾剂引起嗅觉丧失。

    Some people have also reported that they lost their sense of smell after using zinc nasal sprays .

  4. 鼻鼻窦炎以包括鼻塞、嗅觉丧失、流涕及面部压迫感在内的临床常见症状为特征。

    The most common symptoms , including nasal obstruction , smell loss , rhinorrhea , and facial pressure , have been well characterized .

  5. 术前90例嗅觉减退或丧失的患者中,术后19例恢复,34例改善,37例无变化,治愈好转率58.9%(53/90)。

    Among 90 cases with hyposmia or anosmia before operation , 19 cases were cure postoperatively , 34 cases were improved and 37 cases were not effective . The total effective rate was 58.9 % .

  6. 嗅觉神经的损伤会导致嗅觉的丧失。

    Damage to the olfactory nerves can result in the loss of the sense of smell .