
  • 网络Sniffer Dog
  1. 可以训练嗅探犬追捕他们。

    Sniffer dogs could be trained to track them down .

  2. 严教授说实际生活中的嗅探犬还有其他方面的要求。

    Professor Yan says real sniffer dogs also have other needs .

  3. .这只名叫Levy巧克力色的拉布拉多寻回犬是一条炸弹嗅探犬。

    This chocolate Labrador Retriever named Levy is a bomb sniffing dog .

  4. Levy是Amtrak的K-9嗅探犬分队48只嗅探犬中的一员。

    Levy is one of the dogs that Amtrak 's 48 K-9 units .

  5. Parker说,K-9嗅探犬分队发挥了重大作用。

    Parker says the K-9 units are

  6. 嗅探犬成了城市的英雄。

    The dogs have become heroes in the city .

  7. 还有些家庭省下自家宠物狗的口粮供给专业搜嗅探犬。

    Some families have cut the rations of their pet dogs to supply the professionals .

  8. 2300余人参与到搜救工作,参与搜救工作的还有7条嗅探犬。

    More than 2300 rescuers , along with 7 sniffer dogs , are helping with rescue work .

  9. 他们带来了嗅探犬,光纤的范围,生命探测器系统和液压切割机和铺。

    They are bringing sniffer dogs , fibre-optic scopes , life-detector systems and hydraulic cutters and spreaders .

  10. 在嗅探犬确认房屋残骸下面人以后居民们才肯将其清理。

    Many residents are refusing to clear debris unless a dog has confirmed there is nobody left underneath .

  11. 大型机器和嗅探犬派上了用场,一名消防队员解释这种狗很有用。

    Heavy machinery and sniffer dogs are being used . One firefighter explains how useful the dogs can be .

  12. 除了在火车上进行检查之外,炸弹嗅探犬还在全国最大的火车站巡逻。

    Besides taking train rides , bomb sniffing dogs are on patrol at the nation 's largest train stations .

  13. 但严教授表示电子嗅探犬科技正在迅速发展,在未来的应用前景会非常可观。

    But Professor Yan says electronic sniffer technology is developing quickly and could have a lot of uses in the future .

  14. 日本外务省主管官员,紧急援助,说日本提供的救援队与嗅探犬,但中国没有提出要求。

    A Japanese foreign ministry official in charge of emergency aid said Japan offered rescue teams with sniffer dogs , but China had made no request .

  15. 这些额外措施包括配置更多的武装警察和嗅探犬,更频繁的包裹搜查以及加强对交通繁忙地段的监测。

    The additional coverage includes more armed officers and sniffer dogs patrolling subway stations as well as more frequent bag checks and increased surveillance of high-traffic areas .

  16. 嗅探犬正寻找可能被埋泥水和瓦砾中的几十人,他们在马尼萨莱斯的房子已被冲毁。

    Sniffer dogs are searching for dozens of people who are feared buried under mud and rubble after their houses were washed away in the town of Manizales .

  17. 调查人员说,人质劫持者受过严格训练,组织严密&在学校走廊里和体育馆附近都埋好了地雷,并带来了嗅探犬和防毒面具。

    Investigators said that the hostage-takers were highly trained and organised-laying mines in the school corridors and around the gym , and bringing with them sniffer dogs and gas masks .

  18. 目前,苏格兰格拉斯哥机场的官员正在测试一种新的安检设备。这种设备叫做“电子嗅探犬”,这是嗅探技术领域最新的进展之一。

    Now , officials at the Glasgow airport in Scotland are testing a new security device called an " electronic sniffer dog . " The electronic sniffer dog represents one of the latest developments in the area of smell technology .