
  • 网络Guardall
  1. 两名世卫组织职员全时致力于支持肯尼亚政府的疟疾控制规划。

    Two WHO staff work full-time on supporting the Kenyan Government 's malaria control programme .

  2. 据世卫组织估计,全世界每年有几千万患者直接由于不安全的医疗措施和护理,受到致残性伤害或死亡。

    WHO estimates that tens of millions of patients worldwide endure disabling injuries or death each year , directly attributed to unsafe medical practices and care .

  3. 此外,为迅速处理潜在疫苗供应的短缺,世卫组织决定评估全世界多糖疫苗生产企业的状况和生产能力。

    Furthermore , to rapidly address the potential shortage of vaccine supply , WHO decided to assess the status and production capacity of polysaccharide manufactures worldwide .

  4. 因此,卫塞节,全世界的佛教徒纪念三个重大事件:乔达摩佛的出生,教化和去世。

    Hence on Vesak Day , Buddhists all over the world commemorate three great events : The Birth , Enlightenment and the Passing Away of Gautama Buddha .