
wèi shēnɡ shè shī
  • health facility;sanitary fitting;sanitary fixture
  1. 但是,并非每个人都能每天前往卫生设施。

    Not everyone can travel daily to a health facility , however .

  2. 在黎巴嫩的一些地区,民众完全无法利用有效运转的卫生设施。

    In some areas of Lebanon , people simply cannot access a functioning health facility .

  3. 这间茅屋里没有厨具和卫生设施。

    The hut had no cooking or sanitary facilities .

  4. 大多数人生活在简陋的铁皮屋子里,没有电,没有干净的水,也没有卫生设施。

    The vast majority live in tin shacks without electricity , clean water or sanitary facilities .

  5. 许多疾病都来源于不健全的卫生设施。

    Many illnesses are the result of inadequate sanitation .

  6. 获胜者之一是印度的SlumNetworking,它利用自然排水通道为贫民窟提供更廉价和更高质量的水、卫生设施和排水系统。

    One of the winners was Slum Networking in India , which exploits natural drainage paths to provide cheaper and better quality water , sanitation and drainage systems for slums .

  7. 但是,考虑到紧迫的人道主义的需要,UNHCR完全赞同现在的安排,流离失所的人聚集在一起,没有合适的避难设施和卫生设施。

    However , given the immediate humanitarian needs , UNHCR fully appreciates the current situation in which the displaced people are crowded together without proper shelter and sanitation facilities .

  8. 一份联合国大学(UNU)报告说,确保各个发展中国家的安全的供水和足够的卫生设施是减少贫困和改善卫生的最有效措施。

    Ensuring safe water supplies and adequate sanitation throughout the developing world are the most effective measures for curbing poverty and improving health , a report claims .

  9. 高危人员是生活在农村地区的人,那里通常可发现Mastomys鼠,尤其是卫生设施不良或生活条件拥挤的地区。

    Persons at greatest risk are those living in rural areas where Mastomys are usually found , especially in areas of poor sanitation or crowded living conditions .

  10. “饮用水、基本卫生设施和营养,因为这些是全世界大多数儿童的一个主要健康危害,”&PrakashShrestha,尼泊尔

    " Drinking water , basic sanitation and nutrition , because these are a major health hazard for the majority of children in the world ," & Prakash Shrestha , Nepal

  11. 桂林市环境卫生设施现状与规划

    The Present Situation and Program of Environmental Sanitation Facilities in Guilin

  12. 无法获得安全饮用水和卫生设施服务,使幼儿承受极大的痛苦。

    Young children suffer disproportionately without safe water and sanitation services .

  13. 年供给安全饮水和适当卫生设施

    Availability of safe water and adequate sanitary facilities by 1990 1990

  14. 社会学与城市卫生设施建设关系密切。

    The relationship between sociology and sanitation device construction is close .

  15. 从调查结果显示,卫生设施薄弱、管理不规范,以及从业人员食品卫生法律意识淡薄是目前存在的主要问题。

    People working there were short of food hygiene law consciousness .

  16. 建立了卫生设施以诊断和治疗疟疾。

    Health facilities have been set up to diagnose and treat malaria .

  17. 适合不同类型流行和卫生设施的指南

    Guidance tailored to different types of epidemics and health facilities

  18. 社会学视野下的公共卫生设施建设

    Construction of Public Hygiene Device in Area of Sociology

  19. 通过安全饮用水和适当卫生设施保护健康;

    Protecting health through safe water and adequate sanitation ;

  20. 肠道线虫感染率的高低与幼儿园环境和卫生设施的水平成反比。

    Higher prevalence has been found in kindergartens with poorer environment and sanitation .

  21. 通过社区医疗和改善食水和卫生设施,减少疾病

    A reduction in disease through community health care and improved water and sanitation

  22. 卫生设施的情况在南亚和撒哈拉以南非洲特别严峻。

    The sanitation situation is particularly acute in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa .

  23. 贫困,以及基础卫生设施的全面匮乏是更重要的因素。

    Poverty and the total absence of an effective health care infrastructure matter more .

  24. 政府迫于压力,也增加了在卫生设施上的开支。

    The government has responded to the pressure by boosting spending on health infrastructure .

  25. 正在向卫生设施提供临床专科医生、基本药物和培训。

    Health facilities are being provided with clinical specialists , essential drugs and training .

  26. 上海市宝山区中小学校食堂卫生设施现况调查

    Survey on Present Condition of Hygienic Facilities in School Canteens in Baoshan , Shanghai

  27. 感染是由不安全的水、恶劣的住房条件和不良的卫生设施引起的。

    Infections are caused by unsafe water , poor housing conditions and poor sanitation .

  28. 摩天大楼也对城市的卫生设施造成了沉重的压力。

    Skyscrapers put a severe strain on a city 's sanitation facilities , too .

  29. 公共卫生设施影响着城市社会生活质量考评指标。

    The sanitation device works on the index of judging the quality of social life .

  30. 确保所有受危机影响的民众获得清洁的卫生设施;

    Ensuring that all people affected by the crisis have access to hygienic sanitation facilities ;