
  1. 分析了无锡卫岗乳品厂的地址环境,并运用IE中的综合评分法对目前的工厂选址进行了综合评价。

    , the frame and overall plan of technical reform are set up . 3 : The circumstance of the dairy food corporation is analyzed and assessed by the use of IE comprehensive evaluation .

  2. 1980&1984年间在本校卫岗果园对26个柑桔砧木实生苗进行耐寒性比较。

    Cold hardiness in 26 citrus Stock seedlings was compared during the last 5 years in Nanjing .

  3. 综合运用食品工厂设计原理,对无锡卫岗乳品有限公司液体乳加工生产系统扩建工程进行了详细的工艺设计。

    The design philosophy of a food factory is applied to the detail design of the extension project of the production system of the dairy food corporation .