
  • 网络Independent language;isolated language;Independent word
  1. 作为独立语中最为重要的一种,插入语的特点值得我们关注和探讨。

    As one of the most important independent sentence , the trait of the parenthesis deserves to be concerned and discussed .

  2. 因为汉语与英语属于不同的语系,英语属于屈折语,而汉语是独立语,因此长难句英汉互译时采用的处理办法也就不同。

    For Chinese and English belong to different language families , and from the aspects of grammar and word formation , English is the inflected language , while Chinese is independent language , so methods adopted in English-Chinese and Chinese-English translation are different .

  3. 在言语信息交流活动中,发话人通过调群构成信息单位,然后又以连贯的调群构成独立的语篇群。

    In spoken discourse , the speaker of English usually constructs his information units through tone groups , and then forms a whole text in the cohesive intonation units .

  4. 关于俄罗斯宣布承认南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹独立的批评性语篇分析

    Critical Discourse Analysis on the Report of Russia 's Recognition on the Independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia

  5. 高校独立学院学生二语学习策略探析

    Probing into second language learning strategies used by students in independent colleges

  6. 就全体学习者而言,场独立不能预测二语习得的结果。

    To all the learners , FI cannot predict the result of L2 acquisition .

  7. 作为印欧语系语言的独立分支,希腊语具有历史悠久、记录完善的特点。

    As an independent branch of the Indo-European family of languages , the Greek language features the longest and most documented history .

  8. 在1946年独立之前,所有教学都用英语;独立后母语菲律宾语越来越得到重视。

    Before independence in1946 , all instruction was in English ; since then , the national language , Filipino , has been increasingly emphasized .