
  1. 再者,二人同睡,就都暖和。一人独睡,怎能暖和呢?

    So again , if two are sleeping together they are warm , but how may one be warm by himself ?

  2. 依李梅亭的意思,孙小姐与寡妇同室,阿福独睡一间。

    According to li , miss sun should share a room with the widow while Ah Fu slept in a room by himself .

  3. 英国的习惯是,父母让儿童在单独卧室里独睡,即便在婴儿时期也是如此。这样做的目的是让儿童学会独立入睡,并建立起有规律的入睡习惯。

    In Britain , parents are often told they should provide even babies with a separate room so that they can learn to be independent sleepers , thus establishing a regular sleep schedule .