
  • 网络Soloist
  1. 他们也曾和著名的独奏家耶胡迪•梅纽因和法拉•内曼一起合作。

    They also had collaborated with well-known soloist , Yehudi Menuhin and Farad Neyman .

  2. 詹妮是弦管键琴独奏家。

    Jenny was a harpsichord soloist .

  3. 他已经赢得了该国首席小提琴独奏家的名誉。

    He has acquired a reputation as this country 's premier solo violinist .

  4. 上午10点,一位风笛独奏家揭开了阿伯丁高地运动会的序幕,下午1点主要比赛项目开始。

    A solo piper opens Aberdeen Highland Games at 10am and the main events start at 1pm .

  5. 他作为独奏家或乐团成员的演出生涯使他行遍了全世界;

    His performing career has taken him all over the world as a soloist , or in ensembles ;

  6. 谭氏不单是一名独奏家,她还热心于室乐演奏和合奏。

    Besides being a soloist , Amy is also an avid chamber musician and worked on Ensemble and Chamber Music intensively .

  7. 这位独奏家渐渐地转过头来,看到整个大厅充满了疯狂的欢呼声、掌声,观众挥舞的帽子。

    One of the soloists gently turned him around , to see the hall full of a wildly cheering , applauding , and hat-waving audience .

  8. 他是迄今涌现出的第一位重要爵士乐独奏家,现在仍然受到乐迷的推崇,他们亲切的称他为“书包嘴”。

    He was the first important jazz soloist to emerge and is still loved by fans , who fondly refer to him by his nickname " Satchmo " .

  9. 拍卖竞争激烈,成为了大家的关注焦点,这把1969年的斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴于2010年被盗,它的主人是一名国际独奏家,当时正在伦敦的一个火车站买面包。

    Bidding was described as hotly contested and fierce the focus of the attention , a 1696 Stradivarius violin that had been stolen from an international soloist while she grabbed a bread at a London train station in 2010 .