
  • 网络Mother goose;Ma mère l'oye;Ma mere l'oye
  1. 他们叫我鹅妈妈是有理由的。

    They don 't call me mother goose for nothing .

  2. 鹅妈妈生了一枚蛋。

    Mother goose laid an egg in the coop .

  3. 当第一只小鹅从鹅妈妈的羽毛里探出灰绿的小脑袋,开始四处观望时,夏洛第一个瞥见了他,并发布了一个声明。

    When the first gosling poked its grey-green head through the goose 's feathers and looked around , Charlotte spied it and made the announcement .

  4. 鹅妈妈腹下还有一枚蛋。

    One more egg under Mama goose .

  5. 于是,鹅妈妈拿着刀子,叮嘱小鹅宝宝要紧紧的跟在她身后。

    So the mother goose took the carving knife and set forth with the little gosling close behind her .

  6. 《鹅妈妈童谣》的合辙押韵是无可挑剔的,这份文学瑰宝老幼咸宜,永不褪色。

    The rhymes and jingles of Old Mother Goose are , at their best , invaluable literature for old and young , never to be outgrown .

  7. 鹅妈妈也让小鹅来了,甚至连小荷兰猪也修补了孩子们的衣服,以便让它们不用呆在家里。

    Mamma Goose let the goslings come too , and even little Guinea-pig mended all her children 's clothes so that they need not stay at home .

  8. 父母可能会照着书本给孩子读《鹅妈妈》的故事,但是同一个故事,由于版本不同,差异却很大。当孩子们重复这些故事时,又会进一步改动。

    Parents may read " mother goose " to children out of books , but book-versions tend to vary significantly from text to text , and children alter them further as they repeat them .