
  • 网络telium;telia
  1. 用刀刮除冬孢子堆及其周围健组织法:此法简便易行。

    Scratch the telia as well as the healthy tissue around .

  2. 冬孢子堆呈暗褐色或黑色,覆盖在完整的寄生表皮下显得发亮。

    Telia are dark brown or black , and shine from the intact host epidermal covering .

  3. 昼夜温差大,形成冬孢子堆数量多。

    The greater the temperature difference between day and night was , the more the teliosorus formed .

  4. 今冬供暖比去冬晚。冬孢子阶段,冬孢子堆

    The heating went on later this winter than last . telial stage