
dōnɡ jì yùn dònɡ huì
  • winter games
  1. 第五届亚洲冬季运动会将于2003年在日本青森市举行。

    Fifth Asian Winter Games in2003 will be held in the city of Aomori in Japan .

  2. 今年亚洲冬季运动会吸引了来自31个国家和地区的约2300名运动员。

    This year 's Asian Winter Games has attracted some 2300 athletes from 31 countries and regions .

  3. 这么说奥运会包括夏季运动会和冬季运动会喽?

    So the Olympic Games consist of the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics ?

  4. 国际冬季运动会联合会全体大会

    Assembly of International Winter Sports Federation

  5. 就像夏季运动会中的田径项目一样,速度滑冰是冬季运动会中的基础项目。

    As the basic event in Winter Games , speed skating is what field and track in Summer Games .

  6. 在城市交通发展的同时,各种国际大型冬季运动会纷纷选择中国作为自己的举办地。

    While the urban transportation was developing , China was chosen as site of various international large-scale winter games in succession .

  7. 哈尔滨成功地举办第24届世界大学生冬季运动会,是高校体育更好与冰雪体育融合,促进经济发展的典范。

    The successful holding the24th winter universiade in Harbin shows that the university sports can advance the winter sports and economic development .

  8. 我们的赛事组织能力包括举办亚洲冬季运动会,将为北京2022冬奥会和冬残奥会的圆满成功提供最可靠的保证。

    Our proven event-organizing capability , including holding the Asian Winter Games , will provide a reliable platform for successful winter games .

  9. 曾翻译过本科理工科专业的毕业论文,以及外国原文专业学术论文,并参加过世界大学生冬季运动会翻译。

    I have translated some undergraduate theses of science and engineering and several foreign professional papers . I served as the translation of the Winter Universiade .

  10. 一座冰球赛场已经建成,另一座在建,它是为2017年在此举行的世界大学生冬季运动会做准备,不管是否举办奥运会都会建成。

    One hockey arena has been built and another will be completed with or without the Olympics for the University Games , which are set for 2017 .

  11. 在备战全国第10届冬季运动会期间,对哈尔滨市优秀速滑运动员王菲、高雪峰进行科研监控。

    During the battle for National 10 th Winter Sports Meet , the authors supervised and controlled the excellent speed skaters of Wang Fei and Gao Xuefeng .

  12. 通过问卷调查、访谈、数理统计等方法对参加我国第10届冬季运动会自由式滑雪空中技巧的运动员进行了调研。

    By using the method of questionnaire , interview and mathematical statistics , this paper makes investigation on freestyle skiers in aerials in 10 th National Winter games .

  13. 从第一届奥林匹克冬季运动会于1924年1月25日~2月5日在夏蒙尼举行以来,每四年一届,迄今为止已经成功的举办了21届。

    Since January 25 , 1924 ~ February 5 , the first Olympic Winter Games held in Chamonix , every four years , has so far successfully organized the 21 sessions .

  14. 1959年第一届全国运动会没有设冰雪项目,但冰雪项目在2月份单独举行了综合性的运动会,称为“1959年全国冬季运动会”。

    In1959 the first national games without a snow and ice project , but snow and ice project in February alone held comprehensive sports , known as the " 1959 national winter games " .

  15. 冬季运动会比赛的规定项目有高山滑雪、跳台滑雪、越野滑雪、北欧两项、冰球、短道速滑、速度滑冰、花样滑冰和冬季两项。

    The Winter Universiade consists of compulsory sports Alpine skiing , nordic skiing composed of jump , cross country & com-bined , ice hockey , short track , speed skating , figure skating , biathlon .

  16. 依据国内外举办大型冬季运动会的经验教训来看,运动会期间交通状况是否良好、交通组织是否高效是关系运动会能否圆满的重要条件之一。

    By previous experience and lessons home and abroad , it is one of the significant conditions to guarantee succession of winter games that whether traffic condition traffic is well and whether traffic organization is efficient .

  17. 自1996年在中国黑龙江省亚布力举行第3届亚洲冬季运动会以后,参加大众高山滑雪的人数至今已达300万人次。

    Since 1996 , Ya Bu-Li , the ski resort , in Hei Long-jiang province , China , hosted the 3rd Asian Winter Games , there has been over 3 millions people taking part in this sport .

  18. 成立于1982年的亚奥理事会负责管理和组织一系列大型综合性体育赛事,包括亚运会、亚洲冬季运动会、亚室武会、亚洲沙滩运动会和亚洲青年运动会。

    Formed in 1982 , the OCA manages and organizes a series of major comprehensive sporting events , including the Asian Games , the Asian Winter Games , the AIMAG , the Asian Beach Games and the Asian Youth Games .

  19. 获得…冠军在她的首次冬季极限运动会上,她获得了U型池和坡面障碍技巧项目的冠军,并在空中大跳台项目获得了铜牌。

    finish with ... titles ... On her debut Winter X Games , she finished with the halfpipe and slopestyle titles as well as big air bronze .

  20. 纳特荷兰的斯阔谷,加利福尼亚州,竞争途中赢得滑雪X战警最终在冬季极限运动会在奶油阿斯外,科罗拉多州,山上周六,2010年1月30日。

    Nate Holland , of Squaw Valley , Calif. , competes on his way to winning the snowboarder X men 's final at the Winter X Games at Buttermilk Mountain outside Aspen , Colo. , on Saturday , Jan.30,2010 .

  21. 格雷格Bretz高扬,星期五在Superpipe总决赛,在第14届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭。

    Greg Bretz flies high , Friday , during the Superpipe Finals at the14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen .

  22. 汤姆Wallisch打在滑雪铁路星期四在第十四届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭消除Slopestyle男子。

    Tom Wallisch hits the rail Thursday during Skiing Slopestyle mens elimination at the14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen .

  23. 去大西门杜蒙在滑雪Superpipe男子总决赛,周日,在第14届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭。

    Simon Dumont goes big during the Skiing Superpipe Men 's Finals , Sunday , at the14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen .

  24. 国际滑雪外伤学与冬季运动医学会

    International Society for Ski Traumatology and Medicine of Winter Sport

  25. 1936年的今天,1936年冬季奥林匹克运动会在德国开幕。

    1936-1936 Winter Olympic Games open in Garmisch-Partenkirchen , Germany .

  26. 1952年的今天,第八届冬季奥林匹克运动会在奥斯陆闭幕。

    1952-End of the8th Winter Olympic Games in Oslo .

  27. 冬季奥林匹克运动会简介

    Introduction to the Olympic Winter Games

  28. 其主要职责是监督夏季和冬季奥林匹克运动会的组织工作。

    Its primary responsibility is to supervise the organization of the summer and winter Olympic Games .

  29. 丹尼尔:你喜欢看冬季奥林匹克运动会的比赛吗?

    Daniel : Yeah . What 's the difference between the Winter Olympics and the Summer Olympics ?

  30. 贾斯汀霍耶做法,星期五,为即将启动的最佳技巧决赛雪地车在第14届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭。

    Justin Hoyer practices , Friday , for the up coming Snowmobile Best Trick Finals during the14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen .