
dōng dào
  • host;present;thing;gift;host for party;stand treat;one who treats sb. to a meal
东道 [dōng dào]
  • (1) [host]∶请客的人或接待别人的人(当东道)。也叫东道主

  • (2) [stand treat]∶邀请并招待客人的事

  • 做东道

  • (3) 东西;礼品 [thing;gift;present]

  • 送些东道,他便混账开上去。--明. 冯梦龙《警世通言》

东道[dōng dào]
  1. 下届奥林匹克运动会的东道主将是希腊。

    The host country for the next Olympic Games will be greece .

  2. 基于东道国产业集群的FDI技术扩散研究

    FDI technology expantion research basing on host country industry gathering

  3. FDI对东道国外溢效应及影响因素研究综述

    An Overview of Research on Spillover Effects and their Influence Factors of FDI on Host Countries

  4. 结合这三种理论本文解释了FDI对东道国产业关联效应正向和负向的理论基础。

    Combining the three theories of resources , this paper explain the the positive and negative effect of FDI .

  5. 跨国公司FDI的区位选择与空间集聚&基于东道国产业集群竞争的博弈分析

    Location Selection and Spatial Agglomeration of MNE 's Foreign Direct Investment : Based on a Game Analysis of Industrial Clusters in Host Countries

  6. 母国法定税率u、东道国法定税率u和东道国有效税率t通过这种渠道发挥作用。

    The statutory tax rate of the home country and the statutory / effective tax rate of the host country play a role in this way .

  7. 东道国ESP系统与东道国外商直接投资特征研究&以中国为例

    The ESP system of host country and the characteristic of foreign direct investment of host country & a study case of China

  8. 与贸易有关的投资措施(简称TRIMs)是东道国外资政策的内容之一,也是WTO关注的主要内容之一。

    Trade Related Investment Measures ( TRIMs ) is one of host country 's foreign investment polices as well as the main concern of WTO .

  9. 在学者对FDI进行的长期研究中发现,FDI对东道国产业存在技术溢出效应,可以促进相关产业的发展。

    The long-term studies of FDI show that the technology spillover effect of FDI exists in the industries of the host country , which could promote the development of related industries .

  10. 中国吸收外商直接投资存量巨大,如何促进FDI对东道国产生溢出效应是现实问题,本文主要研究FDI通过怎样的机理对东道国产生溢出效应,即FDI的溢出机制问题。

    In China , FDI is great , how to induce FDI to produce spillover is an urgent problem . This paper mainly focuses on how FDI produce spillover on host country , that is , FDI spillover mechanism problem .

  11. 同时,FDI作为一种包含着技术、制度、管理经验、先进理念、资金、资本等项目的复合产品,对东道国产生着多方面的影响,不仅停留在技术层面并且存在于在制度层面。

    FDI considered as the " composite products " including technology , systems , management experience , advanced concepts and capital has many effects which not only in the technical level but also in the institutional level on the host country .

  12. 咱们就以这场球赛的胜负来赌东道。

    Let 's bet on the final result of the match .

  13. 东道国外资激励政策的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Host Country Incentive Effect of Foreign Investment

  14. 东道主队在昨晚的比赛中惨败。

    The host team was clobbered in last night 's game .

  15. 真正慷慨的东道主就是请我们赴宴的那个作东道的人。

    The true Amphitryon is the Amphitryon who asks us to dinner .

  16. 蒙古汗国时期,以东道蒙古亲王监镇东北地区。

    In Mongolian periods , East-dao lieges of Mongolia governed northeast areas .

  17. 东道国因素与东道国外商直接投资特征

    The Importance of Host Country and the Characteristic of FDI

  18. 晚近双边投资条约发展值得注意的几个特点&极力弱化东道国外资管辖权成为趋势

    Some Characteristics of Development of Latest Bilateral Investment Treaties

  19. 跨国并购与东道国产业发展

    Transnational Mergers and Industrial Development in Host Countries

  20. 发展旅游业对东道地区的影响

    The Influence of Developing Tourism in Amphitryon Zone

  21. 秘鲁将在周六面对东道主委内瑞拉队。

    Peru now face hosts Venezuela on saturday .

  22. 马克:那俄罗斯呢,他们可是东道主队。

    Mark : What about Russia ? Anyway , they 're the home team .

  23. 元代对蒙古东道诸王统辖研究

    A Study of the Governing of the Yuan Dynasty of the East-dao Lieges of Mongolia

  24. 跨国公司采取直接投资进入东道国有两种方式:跨国并购和新建投资。

    Multinational enterprises entering modes mainly consist of cross-border mergers and acquisitions and greenfield investment .

  25. 而香港能够作为这次年会的东道主城市,我们更感荣幸。

    We here in Hong Kong are also honoured to act as host to you .

  26. 南非队成为世界杯历史上第一个首轮遭淘汰的东道主球队。

    South Africa is the only hosts ever to exit the Wordl Cup 's first round .

  27. 国际直接投资的技术水平选择&一个基于东道国产业政策的博弈视角

    Technical Level Choice of FDI

  28. 这些人缺粮,你不该嫌东道西的。

    Food is scarce for these people , you shouldn 't turn your nose up at it .

  29. 东道国外资政策对本国企业吸收溢出效应的影响无疑是溢出效应研究领域中一个非常重要的问题。

    The research focus on the impacts of host country 's foreign direct investment policies on intra-industry FDI spillover .

  30. 基于东道国产业安全视角的外资并购机制及经济效应分析

    The Analysis of the Mechanism and Economic Effects of Foreign Capital Merger and Acquisition on Host Country 's Industrial Safety