
  1. 根据2000-2002年3a中对珠江东四口门水域的调查资料,分析该水域富营养化状况及其构成因子来源。

    Based on the data observed in the Pear River Estuary Waters from 2000 to 2002 , the distribution in space and variety with water season of eutrophication and it 's component factors in the waters were studied .

  2. 珠江三角洲污染物对东四口门通量影响分析

    Effects of Discharged Pollutants from Pearl River Delta on East Outlets

  3. 在位于北京东四七条的帮助中心里,了李太太。

    At this help centre located in Beijing 's Dong-si-qi-tiao , we found Mrs.

  4. 浅谈东四盟边境防护林建设工程及措施

    On Construction Project and Measures of Shelterbelt in Border of East Four Leagues

  5. 通过对杏花煤矿东四采区23层右一采空区积水参数的推算,得到合理的23层的采空区积水参数量。

    Water accumulating parameter is calculated in right wing first mine gob of No. 23 seam .

  6. 公车如此之拥挤以致我不得不一路站到东四。

    The bus was so crowded that I had to stand all the way to Dongsi .

  7. 黑龙江垦区东四局水资源利用现状及远景分析

    Water resources application status quo and the prospect analysis of East No.4 Bureau of Heilongjiang Reclamation Area

  8. 方法:对就诊于北京东四妇产医院的初次妊娠要求流产者进行问卷调查,共595名,并做统计学分析。

    Methods : 595 women with first unwilling pregnancy who asked for a abortion in our hospital received questionnaires .

  9. 中国不抵抗,日本就不费一弹安然占领中国,东四省的丧失,就是前例。

    If China did not resist , Japan would easily seize all China without firing a single shot , as she did the four northeastern provinces .

  10. 21世纪以来,我国确立了协调发展的战略思路,粤东四市新一轮协作进入了实质性阶段。

    Since the 21st century , China has established the national coordinated development strategy , under which the coordination of the four cities ( Shantou , Jieyang , Chaozhou , Shanwei ) in eastern Guangdong province has come to a new stage .

  11. 珠江东四口门水域(不含深圳湾)的有机污染物和营养盐主要来源于径流携带,深圳湾水域更主要来源于沿岸排污;

    The organic substance and nutrients in the Pear River Estuary Waters ( not including Shenzhen Bay ) were mainly provided by the input from the Pear River , while the coastal sewage discharge was the main source of that in Shenzhen Bay .