
  • 网络Tony Studio
  1. “东田造型”工作室一手包办了无数明星的包装、闻名国际品牌时装秀的造型设计。

    " East cropland modelling " atelier keep everything in one 's own hands of countless star pack , the modelling design of show of fashionable dress of famous international brand .

  2. 东田造型新店占地300平米,将为华东地区的顾客带去东田造型独特的美发全新体验,从此,您的生活空间又增添了一个时尚首选之地。

    With an area of300 square meters , this new store will offer an exceptional hairstyling experience to East China customers . Now , a preferred location is added to your lifestyle list .

  3. 东田造型丽都海润店位于北京市朝阳区丽都假日饭店东侧,地处北京东北部城区最繁华的地段之一,也是目前北京市外籍人士居住最多的一个商业群体。

    At the east of Holiday Inn Lido Beijing , Tony Studio Lido Store features one of the golden locations in northeast Beijing , as well as the business community with the largest population of foreigners .