
  • 网络Film and TV performance;Acting For Film;Visual and Performing Arts;Acting for Film and Television
  1. 匈牙利演员莎莎•嘉宝(ZsaZsaGabor)的漫长影视表演生涯虽未能大红大紫,但她以自我戏仿的魅力以及同多位百万富翁走马灯般的婚姻为其增添了一层美国名流光彩。她于周日在洛杉矶去世,可能享年99岁。

    Zsa Zsa Gabor , the Hungarian actress whose self-parodying glamour and revolving-door marriages to millionaires put a luster of American celebrity on a long but only modestly successful career in movies and television , died Sunday in Los Angeles . She was probably 99 .

  2. 论艺术感觉在影视表演中的作用

    The Function of Artistic Perception of Movies and Television Performance

  3. 在这种复杂的背景和发展趋势之下,影视表演这门艺术受到了非常大的影响。

    Under the complex background and development trend , the performing arts is deeply influenced .

  4. 本文就艺术感觉在影视表演的创作、体验以及分解舞台表演技巧三个方面的作用进行了论述。

    This paper analyzes the function of artistic perception from three aspects of movies and television performance creation , experience and resolve of stage performance .

  5. 目前我国综合性大学开设戏剧影视表演专业风盛,而该类院校表演专业的毕业生对口就业率非常的低,这种现状引起了本文作者的关注和思考。

    Presently it is very popular for the integrated college to set up the major of Drama and Movie Performance , however , the employment rate of the graduates of this major from such colleges is considerably low , which draws the attention and consideration of the author .

  6. 主要分析了工业设计业、动漫游戏业、广播影视业、表演艺术业、工艺美术业、出版发行业、文化会展业、竞技体育业等产业的具体问题。

    This paper mainly analyzed of the industrial design , animation game industry , broadcasting and television industry , performing arts industry , arts and crafts industry , publishing distribution industries , cultural exhibition , and athletic sports industry and so on .