
  1. 黄珊珊(音译)说:我需要些时间来适应国内公司的规章制度。

    It took me some time to adjust to company rules in China , said Huang .

  2. 25岁的黄珊珊(音译)去年夏天毕业于英国赫特福德耶大学工商管理专业,并于同年10月进入深圳市一家通信公司工作。

    Huang Shanshan , 25 , graduated in business administration from the University of Hertfordshire in the UK last summer and got a job in a communication company in Shenzhen in October .

  3. 所以黄珊珊(音译)回国去深圳上班时,也随身带了些纸托蛋糕去办公室吃,经历看见后就责备了一番。

    When she came back to work for the Shenzhen company , Huang brought some cup cakes to the office and ate them . When her manager saw that , he told her off .