
  • 网络professional groups
  1. 把网络DNC通讯系统的管理思想、管理体制、管理方法融入到教育与生产中去,形成专业群与产业群。

    The management philosophy , management system and management methods of DNC can be used into education and production to form professional group and industries .

  2. 结合专业群建设,培养双师型教师

    Combining the Construction of Specialty Group with Cultivating the Academic-practical Teachers

  3. 专业群经理负责制下教学的管理与组织

    Management and organization under the management system of course cluster teaching

  4. 基于专业群理念的校内实训基地建设研究

    A Study of Construction of In-School Training Base Based on Majors-Group Concept

  5. 以船为伴产学合作共建船舶类专业群的研究与实践

    On Construction of Ship-related Specialty Group through Cooperation of Production and Learning

  6. 瞄准旅游大市场,创建旅游专业群;

    Aim at touring market and create the cluster of touring specialty ;

  7. 以制度建设与科学管理推动专业群建设

    Improvement of course clusters through institutional construction and scientific management

  8. 建筑学专业群框架+强势人才培养模式下的设计教学

    Design Teaching under the Mode of Frameworks & Strong Potential in Architectural Specialty Group

  9. 行业分析法应用于高职机械专业群课程开发的探索

    Exploration of Profession Analytic Method Curriculum Development of Higher Vocational Education Machinery Specialized Group

  10. 专业群经理负责制的课程组运行实践

    Practice of course clusters by professional manager

  11. 我院专业群建设构想

    This Is Me The Plan of Constructing Specialty Group of East China Institute of Technology

  12. 在现代传媒技术的专业群中,计算机网络技术专业有着及其重要的位置,如何将该专业办出特色、将其打造为专业品牌的问题一直倍受关注。

    Computer network technology specialty plays a significant role in the specialty groups of modern Media Technology .

  13. 广集众智共谋发展&石家庄职业技术学院第二届专业群建设论坛综述

    Collective wisdom for development-A review of the second forum of course cluster construction in Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute

  14. 骨干教师的骨干作用&专业群建设系列研究之三

    Functions of the key teachers in the construction of special clusters & Part 3 of series of discussion

  15. 论专业群建设与高职办学特色

    On Constructing the Speciality Group and the Features of the School Run by the Senior Vocational and Technical Colleges

  16. 双师型教师队伍建设与高职院校专业群的构建

    On the Buildup of the Contingent of Double-professionally-titled Teachers and the Construction of Specialty Group in Higher Vocational Education

  17. 建筑学专业群设计课程教学的过程优化&以《景观环境设计》系列课程为例

    Process Optimization on Teaching of Design Courses in Architectural Group of Specialties : Landscape Design Series of Courses as an Example

  18. 浅谈专业群背景下的教学改革&艺术设计人才工学结合培养模式的设想与探索

    On teaching reform in the context of curricular group & Combination of practice and learning model for the art designing majors

  19. 以专业群为主线的高职师资建设探讨

    An Inquire into Taking the Specialized Group as the Main Line on the Construction of Qualified Teachers Team in Higher Vocational College

  20. 高职院校专业群建设的有效路径&构建平台+模块专业群课程体系

    The Effective Path to Professional Group Building in Higher Vocational Colleges & Building a " platform + Module " professional group curriculum system

  21. 为解决一个专业群应由哪些专业构成,专业群中专业之间的相互作用又如何衡量的问题提供了思路。

    This paper proposes a new idea to solve the problems of specialty composition , specialty interactions and their assessment within the specialty group .

  22. 整合校内外资源构建高职物流实训基地基于专业群理念的校内实训基地建设研究

    Integrating Internal and External Resources to Build Logistics Vocational Training Base ; A Study of Construction of In-School Training Base Based on Majors-Group Concept

  23. 并以北京联合大学为例,给出学校面向北京市重点发展产业而设置专业群的具体措施。

    Taking Beijing Union University for example , the article sets forth the concrete measures to provide speciality group facing the important industry in Beijing .

  24. 在校企合作模式下,基于专业群视角去整合案例教学资源是一种可行的改革途径。

    Integrating resources about case teaching carried out jointly by the colleges and the enterprises based on the perspective of specialty cluster should be a feasible approach .

  25. 在高职院校专业群建设中,骨干教师的作用表现在:学生的岗位实践能力和专业技能的培养;学生综合职业素质的教育;

    The functions of the key teachers in the construction of specialty clusters mainly include cultivation of students working competence , specialty expertise , integrity of vocational quality ;

  26. 专业群建设将有助于强化学院专业特色,整合教学资源,提升整体办学水平。

    Specialty group constructing would help to aggrandize characteristic of specialty of our university , conform teaching resource , upgrade the whole level of running a school for ECIT .

  27. 教育高地建设是国内高等教育的一个重要创新,上海市属22所本科高等学校10大高地中的各专业群均与现代服务业密切相关。

    The construction of the high land of undergraduate education is a great innovation to the higher education in our country . 22 universities and colleges that have undergraduate courses , supervised by Shanghai government , have 10 important elevations , all of which are closely related to service industry .

  28. NCAB是印刷电路板行业在欧洲的领先供应商,致力于提供电子行业专业客户群高品质,高精度的解决方案。

    NCAB is a leading supplier of printed circuit boards in Europe delivering solutions with high quality and precision on time to a professional customer base within the electronics industry .

  29. 打造特色专业组群培养紧缺人才。

    To build professional personnel training group to cultivate tight talents .

  30. 专业剧场群和多功能剧场的适用性比较及其当代意义

    Applicability Comparison and Contemporary Meaning of Professional Theatre Group and Multifunctional Theatre