
  1. 近年来,中石油集团公司(以下简称CNPC)内部市场逐步开放,专业化重组改制不断深入进行。

    With the inner market of China National Petroleum Company ( CNPC ) step by step opened , the combination of professional companies will be performed .

  2. 专业化重组改制打造中国石化润滑油新纪元

    Building Sinopec lubricant new era with the specialized consolidation reformation

  3. 中石油通过物探企业专业化重组,建立了国内第一大物探公司,但与世界一流大物探公司相比还存在很大差距。

    CNPC built up the biggest geophysical company in its country through geophysical specialization amalgamating .

  4. 企业专业化重组的新形势下,对进一步做好纪检监察工作提出了新要求。

    On the new situation of professional reorganization in enterprise , new requirement of disciplinary inspection and supervision is presented .

  5. 与钢铁板块不同,航天工业走的是一条专业化重组和实体化整合之路。

    And iron and steel plate , taking the aerospace industry is a specialized entity and re-integration of the road .

  6. 调味品行业专业化兼并重组的现状及启示

    Situation and Revelation of the Seasoning Trade