
zhuān mén chū kǒu
  • special export
  1. 我公司专门出口中国纺织品业务,这些产品在欧洲市场上十分畅销。

    We specialize in the export of Chinese textile , which have enjoyed great popularity .

  2. 免除、减免或递延专门与出口产品有关的直接税就是禁止性补贴,但是有一个例外,即如果递延纳税是要缴纳适当的利息或滞纳金的话就不算补贴。

    The exemption , remission or deferral specifically related to an export , of a direct tax is a prohibited subsidy , with an exception that appropriate interests are charged on the tax deferral .

  3. 我公司是一家专门从事机械出口的贸易公司。

    I is a company specialized in machinery export trading company .

  4. 我公司专门经营工艺品出口。

    Specializes in the export of arts and crafts .

  5. 我们是一家私营公司,专门经营灯具出口业务。

    We are a private-owned company dealing specially with the export of lamp .

  6. 有些国家专门培养“出口型”卫生人员。

    Some countries specifically train health workers for'export ' .

  7. 我公司成立于1996年,专门生产和出口时尚饰品的。

    I was founded in1996 , specializes in the production and export of fashion accessories .

  8. 其中,有专门向美国出口的棉毛巾厂,向欧洲出口的纺织厂。

    Among them , some are cotton towel factories exporting soft goods to the USA and some are aiming at the European markets .

  9. 我们是一个工业的硬件公司,专门从事生产和出口各种五金机械及配件。

    We are a industrial hardware company specializing in manufacturing and exporting a wide range of hardware machinery and accessories .

  10. 本公司成立于2000年,是一家专门经营制作,出口工艺品的公司。

    Established in2000 , we are a company that is specialized in manufacturing and exporting crafts , such as artificial flowers .

  11. 卢特尔向万隆提出合资提议时他仍在担任首席执行长,提议涉及到在美国合作建造一座工厂,专门生产向中国出口的猪肉。

    Mr. Luter 's joint-venture proposal to Mr. Wan , made when he was still CEO , involved building a plant together in the U.S. dedicated to producing pork for export to China .