
  • 网络balanced trade
  1. 双方将进一步加强宏观经济政策的沟通与信息交流,共同努力采取调整国内需求和相关价格的政策,促进更加可持续和平衡的贸易与增长。

    The two sides will further enhance communication and the exchange of information regarding macro-economic policy , and work together to pursue policies of adjusting domestic demand and relative prices to lead to more sustainable and balanced trade and growth .

  2. 冷战期间,美国经常加入不平衡的贸易协定,认为帮助盟友的经济比加强自身经济更重要。

    During the cold war , the US often entered into lopsided trade agreements , deciding that helping allies ' economies was more important than strengthening its own .

  3. 他说,这将平衡两国的贸易差额。

    It will offset the trade imbalance between the two countries , he said .

  4. 长期来看,强劲的国内消费会平衡中国的贸易顺差。

    In the long run , stronger domestic consumption could trim China 's trade surplus .

  5. 但是,这对平衡双方的贸易、增加美国的就业机会没有什么影响。

    But this won 't make much of a dent in the bilateral trade balance or bring back jobs .

  6. 惟有各国经济不断增长,全面参与国际市场的中产阶级队伍日益扩大,才会有兴旺、平衡的国际贸易。

    Strong and balanced international trade only works if countries have growing economies and growing middle classes that are fully engaged in the international marketplace .

  7. 美国最大的错误是他拒绝向每一个购买者出售先进的技术和武器&这是它在实体经济中的唯一的增长的行业,来平衡它的贸易赤字。

    The greatest mistake of the U.S.was its refusal to sell advanced technology and weapons to every buyer – its only growth sector in the real economy – to balance its trade deficits .

  8. 至于欧洲,它确实在许多年里一直维持着相对平衡的总体贸易账户,但它与亚洲(特别是中国)的贸易逆差也在飙升。

    As for Europe , while it is true that it has maintained relatively balanced total trade accounts for many years , its trade deficit with Asia , particularly China , is soaring .

  9. 我们的目标是追求平衡、可持续的贸易,绝不追求顺差。

    Our goal should be balanced and sustained trade rather than trade surplus .

  10. 印度对伊朗几乎没有任何出口。与此不同的是,中国在伊朗商界占有主导地位,可利用一套易货交易制度来平衡两国之间的贸易。

    Unlike India , which exports almost nothing to Iran , China is dominant in Iranian business and could use a barter system to balance trade between the two countries .

  11. 韩中贸易不平衡的问题影响两国贸易的进一步发展。

    Sino-Korea trade imbalance problem has influenced upon the further development of Sino-Korea trade .

  12. 结果,经常账户的不平衡使国际上的贸易摩擦和相关币值的争论越来越多。

    As a result , frictions in international trades and debates on bilateral exchange rate are increasing .

  13. 全球“货币战”很可能还将延续下去,因为合情合理的货币平衡政策与损人利己的贸易操纵行为之间的界限并不明显。

    The global " currency wars " are likely here to stay , due to the fine line between legitimate monetary balancing and sometimes self-serving trade manipulation .

  14. 因中美贸易的不平衡,使双方的贸易摩擦明显加剧,美方利用其巨额逆差想谋取更多的经济利益和政治利益。

    Due to the trade imbalance in bilateral trade frictions have worsened , the United States would like to use its huge deficits to gain more economic and political interests .