
  • 网络balanced system;balance system;counterbalance system;BOS
  1. 本实验的目的是研究能提高胃滞留时间(GRT)的盐酸环丙沙星流体动力学平衡系统(HBS),并对其体内外情况进行了研究和评价。

    The purpose of the present study was to develop and optimize in vitro a hydrodynamically balanced system ( HBS ) for ciprofloxacin hydrocloride with increased gastric residence time ( GRT ) and to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo performance of the dosage form .

  2. 通常情况下,电力系统是被当作三相平衡系统分析的。

    Generally , power system is analyzed as a balanced system .

  3. 非平衡系统的概率模型及Master方程的建立

    The stochastic models for non-equilibrium systems and formulation of master equations

  4. 非平衡系统Master方程的稳定性

    On the Stability of the Multivariable Master Equation for Non - equilibrium Systems

  5. 三相非平衡系统park变换的理论分析

    Theory Analysis on Park Transformation of Three-phase Unbalance System POTENTIAL OF NONEQUILIBRIUM SYSTEMS

  6. 三坐标测量机Z轴平衡系统综述

    Description on Z-Axis Balance System of Three Coordinates Measuring Machine

  7. 基于HermiteCubics的预滤波器与双正交平衡系统

    Prefilter banks and balancing biorthogonal system based on Hermite Cubics

  8. 用热力学极限下master方程的定态解定义了非平衡系统的势函数,证明在平衡态时,这个势函数归为熵,在线性非平衡区它等效于超熵。

    A nonequilibrium potential is defined in terms of the stationary solution of master equations in thermodynamic limit . In statistical equilibrium , this potential is reduced to entropy while in linear nonequilibrium region to ex - cess entropy .

  9. 研究了李-杨相变理论在沙粒分离的urn模型非平衡系统中的应用。

    The Lee-Yang theory is used to study the nonequilibrium phase transitions of an urn model for the separation of sand .

  10. 介绍FESTO汽车动平衡系统的基本工作原理和组成元件。

    The composition and the principle of FESTO auto moving balance system are introduced .

  11. 基于Pro-Mechanica的四缸车用高速发动机平衡系统优化设计

    Optimization design on balance system of 4-cylindered high-speed engine for automobiles based on Pro-Mechanica

  12. 本章成功将MSB与MCB组成的动态平衡系统富集模型应用在毛细管电泳中富集金属离子,作为一种新的在线富集技术,丰富了在线富集技术的研究。

    This enrichment model of dynamic equilibrium system composed of MSB and MCB was successful used in CE for metal ion enrichment , as a new on-line sample stacking technique , enriched the on-line enrichment technology .

  13. 随后转换成Fokker-Planck方程(FPE),从非平衡系统动力学角度首次研究ENSO从不稳态向稳态演化的问题。

    Then the model equations are transformed into the Fokker-Planck equation ( FPE ), and the evolution of El Nio-Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ) from unstable state to stable state is studied from the point of view of nonequilibrium system dynamics for the first time .

  14. 中板轧机液压平衡系统的改造

    The Improvement of the Hydraulic Balance System for the Plate Mill

  15. 使用资源利用率作为负载平衡系统的负载指标

    Using resource utilization as load index in dynamic load balancing

  16. 三自由度气浮台自动平衡系统动力学建模

    Dynamic Modeling for Automatic Balancing System of 3-DOF Air-bearing Test-bed

  17. LIB&1精密陀螺转子激光智能动平衡系统研制总结

    Summary Research Report of LIB-1 Intelligent Laser Dynamically-Balanced System for Precise Gyrorotor

  18. 利用遗传算法进行电动栏杆弹簧平衡系统的优化设计

    The optimization design of electric barrier spring balance system by genetic algorithm

  19. 可逆转轴流泵的开发研制与横倾平衡系统

    Development of reversable axial flow pump and the heeling system

  20. 如果它是个平衡系统,那么热力学就能描述它。

    If it 's an equilibrium system , then thermodynamics can describe it .

  21. 用非平衡系统理论认识水资源系统分析中的几个问题

    Discussing Several Problems of Water Resources System by Means of Nonequilibrium System Theory

  22. 非连续论域模糊控制方法在自平衡系统中的应用

    Application of Un-Continued Universe of Discourse Fuzzy Control Method in Self Balance System

  23. 设备热平衡系统分析数学模型

    The mathematical model of system analysis of heat balance

  24. 一种支持服务网格的动态负载平衡系统

    A Dynamic Load Balance System for Supporting Service Grid

  25. 京包线大同至包头段电缆阻尼平衡系统

    Damping Balance System of Electric Cable Applied in Datong-Baotou Section of Beijing-Baotou Railway

  26. 纯机械式在线动平衡系统的研究

    Investigation of Pure Mechanical On - line Balancing System

  27. 非线性非平衡系统是复杂性研究的难点所在。

    Problems from nonlinear non-equilibrium systems are the hardest for the complexity research .

  28. 精密磨床的砂轮自动平衡系统

    Auto-balancing System for Grinding Wheels of Precision Grinding Machine

  29. 谈谈油气平衡系统的防耗机理及节能效果

    The Energy Saving Principle of the Oil-Gas Balance System and Its Economizing Effect

  30. 进一步验证了李-杨理论在非平衡系统中的应用。

    Thus , it further proves the application of Lee-Yang theory in nonequilibrium systems .