
  • 网络balance principle;Equilibrium;equilibrium theory;the principle of equilibrium
  1. 同时平衡原理应用到FeH2O和CuH2O体系。

    The Principle of simultaneous equilibrium is applied to the Fe-H2O and the Cu - H2O systems .

  2. 根据极限平衡原理,对10~30m高的平面滑动型边坡不同抗剪强度的控稳结构面c、φ值在边坡稳定中的作用进行了定量分析。

    This paper focuses on the effects of the shear strength parameters of control discontinuities on the stability of rock slopes from 10 to 30 m high , where the limit equilibrium theory is used .

  3. MRPⅡ能力平衡原理及软件设计

    The Principle of MRP ⅱ Capacity Requirement Balance and the Software Design

  4. 供需平衡原理与新股发行决策&兼论不同市场条件下的IPO发行博弈

    Supply-Demand Balance Principle and New Shares Issuing Decision & Also on IPO Game in Different Market Conditions

  5. 基于同时平衡原理的Fe-H2O系电势-pH图

    Potential-pH Diagrams for the Fe-H_2O System Based on the Principle of Simultaneous Equilibrium

  6. 提出一种基于功率平衡原理的串联型有源电力滤波器(APF)。

    Grounded on the theory of power equilibrium , a novel single phase series active power filter ( APF ) is proposed .

  7. 根据水量平衡原理,得到了入渗过程中由非线性衰减阶段开始进入稳渗阶段的时间t1。

    By applying the principle of water balance , the time duration for infiltration changing from nonlinear stage into steady infiltration is obtained .

  8. 利用扩散偶局部平衡原理,通过金相观察和电子探针微区成分分析,测定了1000℃下Ti-Al-Dy三元系部分等温截面相图。

    The partial isothermal section of phase diagram of the Ti-Al-Dy ternary system at 1000 ℃ has been determined by means of the diffusion triple technique and electron probe microanalysis .

  9. 利用杠杆平衡原理,设计了一套扫描隧道显微镜(STM)钨针尖的制备装置。

    A novel experimental setup was designed to fabricate tungsten tips for scanning tunneling microscope ( STM ), based on simple mechanical lever principle .

  10. 文中以空间矢量控制理论为基础,结合PWM控制中的伏-秒平衡原理,提出了几种典型空间矢量PWM的实现方法并推导了其目标输出方程及波形。

    In this paper the space vector PWM control theory is analyzed , the target output functions and waveforms of several classic zero vectors distribution schemes are proposed based on " Volt-Second " relation in PWM control .

  11. 本文研究了基于功率平衡原理的MPPT算法,实现了最大功率点的快速跟踪。

    Based on the principle of balance of power , this paper put forward the MPPT algorithm to track the maximum power point rapidly in this topology . ( 4 ) .

  12. 一水亚磷酸氢钙(CaHPO3·H2O)是一种新型优质防锈颜料,本文系统讨论了中和法制备这种产品的化学和相平衡原理;

    Calcium phosphite monohydrate ( CaHPO_3 · H_2O ) is a new excellent anti-corrosive pigment . The chemical and phase equilibrium principle of calcium phosphite monohydrate prepared by neutralization method have been discussed .

  13. 考虑了岩体结构面、岩块单轴抗压强度、应力状态的影响,引入了Hoek-Brown岩体经验强度准则,利用极限平衡原理,推导了嵌岩桩桩端阻力的计算公式;

    On the basis of Hoek-Brown strength criterion and the limit equilibrium method , a method calculating the tip resistance of socketed piles is put forward .

  14. 基于能量平衡原理,推导出能反映超临界高压氢气在炭狭缝微孔内过剩吸附的特点的格子理论OnoKondo方程。

    A new Ono-Kondo equation , based on the lattice theory , is developed to describe the supercritical fluid adsorption inside the slit-shaped micropores of adsorbents .

  15. 本文从不同角度导出了在不同条件下高分子溶液的渗透压公式的表示形式,揭示了Donnan平衡原理。

    This paper gets polymer solution osmosis pressure formula of the different conditions from different point of view and reveals Donnan equlibrium .

  16. 根据配位化学热力学平衡原理,绘制了Cd2+-H2O系配合离子浓度pcpH图、镉羟合配离子分率αnpH图及Cd(OH)2条件溶度积pKSpH图。

    The diagrams for the concentration of complex ions pc pH , the ratio of cadmium hydroxy complex ions α n pH and the conditional solubility product of Cd ( OH ) 2 to pH value in Cd2 + - H2O system were drawn , respectively .

  17. 在棋盘式总帐借贷平衡原理的基础上,给出了企业的投入产出关系在财务上的表达形式,并应用KALMAN滤波方法,实现了在总帐基础上的财务预算。

    Using the balance principle of chessboard like general ledger , this paper advances the input & output connection of enterprises in financial sense . A new financial budget method based on the general ledger is given with the application of kalman filter method .

  18. 本文根据动平衡原理、配合理论、PLC控制理论和虚拟仪器Labwindows/CVI软件开发思想设计本机床。

    The article has designed the machine tool on the basic of the dynamic balancing principle , the fit theory , PLC control theory and the software development idea of virtual instrument ( Labwindows / CVI ) . These are the main jobs of this article : 1 .

  19. 基于这样的背景,本文在对动平衡原理及技术方法深入研究的基础上,利用DSP芯片的高计算性能研制便携式嵌入式动平衡系统,使得旋转机械的现场动平衡工作更为简化方便;

    Based on the background given above , this dissertation studies the theories and technologies related with dynamic balancing , makes full use of DSP chip 's wonderful computational performance , finally researches and designs a portable dynamic balancing system , simplifying the field dynamic balance of rotating machines .

  20. 另外,通过讨论60°坐标系下的SVPWM算法、中点电压不平衡原理与中点电压平衡控制、死区效应分析及补偿和异步电机矢量控制系统设计方案等为矢量控制系统的研究准备了理论基础。

    In addition , svpwm algorithm in 60 degree coordinate system , the unbalance theory of neutral point voltage , the analysis and compensation of dead time , the design principle of vector system and so on were described .

  21. 根据极限平衡原理和MohrCoulomb破坏准则,应用最优控制理论思想,并充分考虑运动许可条件,建立了能同时确定边坡临界滑动面和计算最小安全系数的局部最小安全系数法。

    Local minimum factor of safety method is developed in this paper based on the principle of limit equilibrium and Mohr Coulomb failure criterion , using the idea of optimal control theory and considering kinematic admission conditions sufficiently .

  22. 利用最近引入的齐次平衡原理与新代数法的思想,借助于计算机代数系统Maple软件,得到了一个非线性耦合Ito系统的新孤子解、周期解。

    With the aid of computer algebraic software of Maple , and by using the principle of homogeneous balance recently introduced and the idea of mapping approach , we can obtain several new soliton solutions and periodic solutions for the nonlinear coupled Ito system .

  23. 运用同时平衡原理,讨论了Fe-H2O系中的相平衡关系,绘制了25℃时Fe-H2O系的电势-pH图。

    The phase equilibrium relations in Fe-H_2O system were discussed and potential-pH diagrams for Fe-H_2O system at 25 ℃ constructed through the principle of simultaneous equilibrium .

  24. 以物质平衡原理和相关分析模型为基础,对PKN和KGD两种裂缝模型建立了裂缝强制闭合条件下的压力降落解释模型。

    A new analytical model for pressure decline under the condition of forced fracture closure was developed on the basis of material balance theory and the former corresponding fracture models , such as PKN and KGD models .

  25. 为提高电路的稳定性,根据电流积分型I/F转换电路的电荷平衡原理,设计了一个基于动态自动校零运放ICL7650的加速度计采集电路。

    To enhance the stability of the circuit , an accelerometer data collection circuit was designed on the basis of the principle of charge balance in integral I / F switching circuit .

  26. 应用广义双函数法研究了具有物理背景的Davey-StewartsonI方程,通过引入新的基函数、变换和齐次平衡原理,得到了该方程一批新的形式更丰富的显式解。

    With generalized double function method , higher-order Davey-Stewartson I Equation is studied . By proposing a pair of base functions and using a simple transformation , some explicit solutions are obtained , in which various forms are presented .

  27. 从地表能量平衡原理入手,结合地面同步实测数据和气象数据,运用遥感蒸散法,建立了基于亚像元的半干旱地区区域双层蒸散模型(SRDEM);

    According to surface energy balance theory , the semi-arid regional dual-layer evapotranspiration model ( SRDEM ) is established , using remote sensing monitoring of evapotranspiration at sub-pixel level , combined with the field measurement and meteorological data .

  28. 同时讨论了区域水资源的平衡原理。

    The balance principle for regional water resources was also evaluated .

  29. 基于平衡原理的热电联产系统能量梯级利用

    Energy cascaded utilization for cogeneration systems based on exergy analysis models

  30. 基于功率平衡原理的串联型有源电力滤波器研究

    Study on a Novel Series Active Power Filter with Power Equilibrium