
  • 网络coulomb barrier
  1. 才能超过库仑势垒

    just to break through the Coulomb barrier .

  2. 在库仑势垒附近,随着入射能的降低可以观察到动力学势垒的最低值,这个最低动力学势垒与绝热势垒非常接近;

    It is found that the lowest dynamic barrier is obtained which approaches to the adiabatic static barrier with the incident energy decreasing and the dynamic barrier goes up to the diabatic static barrier with increase of the incident energy .

  3. 这种器件的工作原理是单电子通过电极与库仑岛之间势垒层的隧道贯穿量子效应。

    Its operation is based on a quantum effect , i.e. , single electron tunneling through the barrier layer between its electrode and Coulomb island .