
  • 网络ionization density;LET;ioniztion density
  1. 哨声群时延和色散值主要决定于电离密度;

    The group delay and dispersion of whistler wave are mainly dependent on ionization density .

  2. 结果表明,地磁场位形及其引起的磁层等离子体的各向异性是决定哨声射线几何特征及速度结构的主要因素,而电离密度仅在一定程度上改变上述特征;

    The results show that the configuration of the geomagnetic field and resultant plasma anisotropy are governing factors which the geometric features of whistler ray and velocity structure of whistler wave depend on , while ionization density may change , to some extent , these features .

  3. 通过Saha方程估算气体电离密度,利用电子与离子、电子与中性粒子的轫致辐射,电子与离子的复合辐射公式估算气泡的辐射强度。

    The number density of electrons is estimated by the Saha equation , and in evaluating the light emission from bubbles , bremsstrahlung from electron neutral particle and electron ion collisions , as well as recombination radiation , are accounted for .

  4. 本文在偶极子地磁模型和各种电离密度分布模型中,对中低纬非导管哨声波的传播特性进行了射线追踪研究。

    Propagation characteristics of non-ducted whistler wave at middle and low latitudes have been studied by means of ray-tracing method for dipole magnetic field and several ionization distribution models .

  5. 本文从TEACO2激光器高压强脉冲辉光放电的简化放电模型出发,借助于放电形成时间,建立了TEACO2激光器输出的比脉冲能量与预电离电子密度间的关系式。

    Starting from the simplified discharge model of high-pressure pulsed glow discharge in TEA CO_2Laser , by the aid of discharge formative time , the relationship between per pulse specific TEA CO_2 laser output energy and preionization electron number density is formulated in this paper .

  6. GB/T13980-1992电离辐射密度计放射性沉积物密度探针

    Density meters utilizing ionizing radiation radioactive sediment density probe

  7. GB/T13980-1992电离辐射密度计

    Density meters utilizing ionizing radiation

  8. 本文从预电离电子密度、激光输出能量及放电特性等方面对用于准分子激光器的电子束预电离及X光预电离进行了研究和比较。

    Both X-ray preionization and e-beam preionization are investigated for avalanche-discharge excimer lasers by studying the number density of preionized electrons , the characteristics of the laser energy output and the discharge .

  9. 由我们的非流动型TEACO2激光器获得的输出光斑相当大,仅比激活区截面略小,这与理论计算的预电离初始电子密度空间分布规律有较好的一致性。

    The output spot-size of our non-flowing TEA CO2 Laser is quite large , only slightly smaller than the section of the excited media , this agrees with the calculated spatial distributions of the initial electron density for pre-ionization well .

  10. (电离辐射)密度计GB4075-1983密封放射源分级

    Density meter ( of ionizing radiation ) Sealed radioactive sources classification

  11. 电离气体星云的密度诊断

    A Reexamination of Electron Density Diagnostics for Ionized Gaseous Nebulae

  12. 电离室自动曝光密度补偿值的合理选择

    Reasonable selection of automatic exposure density compensation of iono-chamber

  13. 电离辐射相关低密度寡核苷酸基因芯片的制备

    Fabrication of low-density ionizing radiation-related oligonucleotide microarray

  14. 测试结果表明,喷枪的静特性具有明显的上升趋势,说明电弧中气体电离充分,电流密度大;

    The results of the tests show that the static characteristics of the arc climb up obviously , which illuminate that the gas in the arc is well ionized and the ampere density is high .

  15. 讨论了利用飞秒激光在材料表面通过非线性光电离和雪崩电离激发自由载流子密度达到临界密度,并在材料表面形成等离子体的物理过程。

    The research is on the exciting the free carriers to reach the critical density through the process of multi-photon ionization and avalanche ionization by using the femtosecond laser on the surface of the materials and the process of the surface plasma formation .

  16. 研究发现,突变截面通道内加剧了的工质电离导致了等离子体密度和电子温度的升高,而磁场的增大则导致了离子的磁化程度增大。

    As the study shows , the sudden variable cross-section channel enhances the propellant ionizing with the result of increased plasma density and electron temperature . At the same time , the increased magnetic field intensity enhances the level of ions being magnetized .

  17. 建立完备的杂质输运程序,数值模拟碳、氧杂质在欧姆放电时的输运行为,得出了杂质的扩散和对流系数、不同电离态杂质离子密度、辐射功率密度和有效电荷数的空间分布。

    An ideal impurity transport code has been used to simulate impurities ( carbon and oxygen ) behaviour during the OH discharge . The profiles of impurities diffusion and convection coefficient , impurities ion densities in different ionized state , loss power density and effective charge number have been derived .

  18. 夏季极昼时,太阳EUV辐射的电离效应使电离层电离密度比冬季值大许多,而且,日变化的最大值时间也提前了1~2h。

    During the summer polar daylight , the ionized effect of the solar EUV radiation makes the ionospheric electron density much larger and the peak time of the diurnal variation of f oF 2 1-2 hr earlier than that in winter .

  19. 实验结果表明:在电晕放电的流光或辉光放电区域,电离电场强度、注入功率密度、电离能密度等参量对等离子体输运项的影响程度仅在1个数量级内;在电离能密度达到0.4mJ。

    Experiment results show that ionization electric field intensity , power density and ionization energy density have limited influence upon plasma transport rate in a order of magnitude in the stream or glow discharge area of corona discharge .

  20. 用屏栅电离室对α、t和p在Ar与Kr中到达电离密度重心的径迹长度X进行了测量,并根据Trim程序和其它文献的阻止本领数据对其进行了计算。

    Using the gridded ionization chamber , the track length data for particles α, p and t in Ar and Kr are measured . These data are calculated using the stopping power data from the program Trim and other reference .

  21. 对5kW横流CO2激光器脉冲预电离过程进行理论分析和实验研究。表明了预电离过程中电子密度的重要作用,它能为下一步的主放电提供良好的条件。

    The experimental and theoretical studies on the pulse preionization of 5 kW CO 2 laser are presented and the election density is important to the main discharge .