
  • 网络electric separation;electrostatic separation;high-tension separation
  1. 论述云南磷矿资源开发利用中的优势与问题,并介绍电选的结果。

    Advantages and existing problems in development and utilization of phosphorous ore resource in Yunnan and the result of electric separation of phosphorous ore is described .

  2. 电选在我国磷矿选矿中应用的可能性探讨

    Possibility of application of electrostatic separation in phosphate rock processing

  3. 电选法回收废印刷线路板中金属Cu的研究

    Study on Recovery of Copper from Waste Printed Wiring Boards by Electrostatic Separation

  4. 采用破碎机和高压电选机对废印刷线路板中金属Cu进行回收。

    Recovery of Cu from waste printed wiring boards ( PWBs ) was studied by crushers and electrostatic separator .

  5. YD型高压电选机及其应用

    YD type high - tension separator and its application

  6. SDX-1500型筛板式电选机的研制

    Development of sdx-1500 screen electrostatic separator

  7. 本研究是在长沙矿冶研究院研制的YD-2L型圆筒式电选机上展开的。

    This reserch based on the YD-2L electricity elects machine which develops in Changsha Mining and metallurgy Research institute has been made .

  8. 根据实验结果,引入相对湿度系数f2,对电选机高压静电分选腔电场强度的设计公式进行了修正,以求电选机高压静电分选腔的设计更为科学。

    Based on the test results , a coefficient f_2 of relative humidity was introduced in the modification of the design equation for the electric field intensity of high voltage static separation chamber of electrostatic separator , so as to make the design of the separator more scientifically .

  9. 电选机电场强度与相对湿度之间的关系

    Relationship between Electric Field Intensity and Relative Humidity of Electrostatic Separator

  10. 超高压悬浮电选机的电源系统应用研究

    Application Study to the Power System of Ultra-High Voltage Suspension Separator

  11. 电选机用直流高压变频电源系统的应用研究

    Investigation Application of DC HV Frequency Conversion Power System for Electrostatic Separator

  12. 电选粉煤灰脱碳技术的研究

    Study of the Decarbonization Processing for Electrically Classified Fly Ash

  13. 钛铁矿电选尾矿综合利用研究

    Study on comprehensive utilization of titanium electrostatic separation tailing

  14. 煤与矿物质的摩擦电选分离试验研究

    Research of Coal and Minerals Friction Electrical Separating Experiment

  15. 对应用高压电选机制备低灰洁净煤进行了理论及试验研究。

    The theoretical and experimental study on producing low ash coal was conducted .

  16. 高压直流电源的电压波形对电选过程的影响

    Influence of Voltage Waveform of DC High Tension Supply on Electrostatic Separation Process

  17. 电选法回收利用废印刷线路板

    Recycling of printed circuit board scrap by electrostatic separation

  18. 中低品位磷矿富集的新方法&干式电选法

    New beneficiation method for mid-low-grade phosphate rock-dry electrostatic separation

  19. 计算了悬浮电选机电晕电场电极间电场分布。模拟了悬浮于气流中的微细矿粒在高压电场中的运动。

    Corona electric field between electrode of suspension type electrostatic separator were calculated .

  20. HDX-1500型板式电选机的研制

    Development of HDX - 1500 plate electrostatic separator

  21. 煤岩组分与高压电选关系的研究

    Research on the Relationship between Coal Petrography Composition and Electrical Separation at High Voltage

  22. 二是对悬浮电选机理进行了研究;

    Secondly , the mechanism of suspension electrostatic separation of micro-fine particles was studied ;

  23. 高压电选机内电晕电流和电场的分布规律

    The distribution law of corona current and electric field strength in high tension separator

  24. 微粉煤摩擦电选脱硫降灰试验研究

    Research and Experiment on Sulfur Removal and Ash Reduction of Ultra-Fine Coal by Triboelectric Benefication

  25. 研究了微细粒在悬浮电选过程中的运动形态和受力。悬浮气流以一定的速度在管内输送微细矿粒时。

    Forces acted on Micro-fine particles and movement of Micro-fine particles were studied in suspension electrostatic separation .

  26. 研究了中低品位磷矿富集的新方法&干式电选法的试验情况。

    A new beneficiation method for mid low grade phosphate rock , dry electrostatic separation , was recommended in the paper .

  27. 本试验采用重选、磁选、电选三种方法制备含金黄铁矿纯矿物。

    According to the study in this paper , the pure auriferous pyrite can be prepared by means of gravity or magnetic or electric concentration .

  28. 选煤废物(煤泥)的燃用特性研究微粉煤摩擦电选脱硫降灰试验研究

    FLAMMABILITY TESTING OF SLIME FORMING COAL FROM COAL DRESSING PLANT Research and Experiment on Sulfur Removal and Ash Reduction of Ultra-Fine Coal by Triboelectric Benefication

  29. 在详细分析原矿性质的基础上,采用悬浮电选机干式作业对磷矿石进行富集。

    On the basis of the analysis of original ore properties , the tests on concentrating phosphorus ore were carried out using suspension electrostatic separator .

  30. 矿粒在振动式摩擦电选机中运动轨迹的研究与分析深立井小型摩擦轮提升机电动机的选型

    Research and Analysis on Trajectories of Mineral Particles in the Vibratory Tribo Electrostatic Separator Motor Selection of Small Friction Pulley Hoist for Deep Mining Shaft