
diàn mó nǐ
  • electric analog;electrical analogue
电模拟[diàn mó nǐ]
  1. 多分支井近井油藏地带渗流的电模拟实验研究

    Experimental study of electric analog for the percolation characteristics of multilateral wells at immediate vicinity of wellbore

  2. 基于已有的电模拟坯料展开方法,提出了一种新的关于胀形件的类等势场反推坯料展开方法。

    Based on the electric analog method for blank unfold which has already exist , a new reverse educing method about bulge - blank unfold based on equipotential field is introduced .

  3. 高低压开关掉电模拟报警装置在矿井地面变电所中的应用高电压FACTS变电站的高频电磁兼容研究

    Application of High-low Voltage Switch Power-off Analog Annunciator HF Electromagnetic Compatibility Study in HV Substations Operational with FACTS Equipments

  4. 机械惯量电模拟方法在汽车ABS检测中的应用研究

    Research on the Method of Electric Simulation for Mechanical Inertia Applied in the Detection of Anti-Lock Braking System

  5. 作者以集成运算放大器和RC网络为核心,配以其他组件构造了一种教学电模拟控制对象。

    Ateaching electrical analog control plant was developed by integrated arithmetic amplifiers and RC networks together with other components .

  6. 设计了整车ABS检测台的模糊控制器,并对电模拟方法进行了仿真分析。

    Design the fuzzy control unit of complete vehicle ABS test bench , simulate and analyze the electric simulation method .

  7. 通过介绍变频调速理论和PLC的控制思想,建立了试验台在电模拟模式运行下的数学模型,为控制系统的实现奠定了理论基础。

    Through the introduction of VVVF theory and the control thought of PLC , the mathematic model of test rigs is founded which is run under the mode of electronic simulation , which is the theory foundation for the realization of control system .

  8. Hoffmann反射是脊髓水平最简单的单突触反射之一,它是牵张反射的电模拟,是良好的神经生物学研究探针,对研究各类神经反射通路及其通路间的联系都具有良好效果。

    Hoffmann reflex is one of the basic monosynaptic reflexes in the spinal cord . It belongs to stretch reflex by electrical analog , which is a good way to study Neurobiological and every kind of reflex pathways and the relationship between them .

  9. 详细介绍了一种国产MCG-200型车辆底盘模拟测功机的基本结构参数、应用范围、电模拟式加载原理,并给出了某农用运输车产品的加速性能及其经济性与道路试验的检测结果。

    The basic construction parameter , the application area and the electro-simulation principle of MCG-200 automotive chassis dynamometer are introduced . The road test results on a certain model of farm transporter with the capability of economy and acceleration are given .

  10. 电模拟法解边界层方程

    Solution of boundary - layer equation with electric - simulation method

  11. 多功能自动跟踪电模拟装置及在流体力学中的应用

    Multi-functional and automatically tracking electrical simulator with application to fluid mechanics

  12. 应用机-电模拟理论研究测力传感器的动态特性

    Study of dynamic characteristic for force sensor by mechanic electric simulation

  13. 汽车台架试验系统机械惯量电模拟方法

    The Electric Simulation for Mechanical Inertia in Vehicle Bedstead Test System

  14. 电模拟相似系统在自控类课程教学中的应用

    The Application of Electric-Analogue Similarity System in Teaching Automatic Control Curriculum

  15. 绿原酸分子印记聚合物压电模拟生物传感器的研制

    Development of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Piezoelectric Bio-mimetic Sensor for Chlorogenic Acid

  16. 双分流加载式制动器试验台的电模拟系统

    The Electric Simulation system of Double Loading Brake Test Rigs

  17. 汽车行驶阻力的数学模型及其电模拟模型的应用与研究

    Mathematical Model of Automobile Driving Resistance & its Electric Simulation

  18. 旋翼刹车试验电模拟控制系统的研究

    Study of Electrical Simulation Control System in Rotor Brake Test

  19. 固定床接触反应器的温度分布与浓度分布&直流电模拟法

    Direct-current electric analog method for the design of fixed bed catalytical reactors

  20. 电模拟制动器惯性台架设计

    Design method of brake dynamometer with electric analogy of inertia

  21. 用高压通电模拟运行测试高压开关设备噪声

    Simulated Run Tests of HV Make for a Noise of HV Switchgears

  22. 水平井压裂产能电模拟实验研究

    Experimental research on electric analogy of the productivity of fractured horizontal well

  23. 裂缝网络油藏水平井开发电模拟实验研究

    Electric analogy modelling experiment of fracture network reservoir development by horizontal wells

  24. 电模拟汽车行驶阻力的汽车底盘测功机

    Automotive Chassis Dynamometer with Electro Simulation of Automotive Driving

  25. 车辆电模拟转鼓试验台动态特性研究

    Dynamic Characteristics of Electrically Simulating Dynamometer of a Vehicle

  26. 周期导热电模拟计算

    The Calculation of Electric Analogy in Periodic Heat Conduction

  27. 基于电模拟实验的低渗透油藏压裂水平井产能研究

    Study on fractured horizontal well productivity for low-permeability reservoirs based on electric analogy

  28. 为了便于设计者参考,还给出了计算压力和总压力的近似公式.最后,还用电模拟量测方法对所求结果进行了校核。

    Approximation formulas are also given and intended for the use of designers .

  29. 裂缝性低渗透油藏整体压裂开发电模拟研究

    Study on naturally fractured reservoir development by INTEGRAL-FRACTURING by using electric analogy modeling

  30. 土壤-植物系统水分运移过程的阻容电模拟

    Electric resistance-capacitance model of water flow through soil-plant system