
  • 网络tv magazine
  1. 在19世纪70年代末时,当他还是华盛顿有线电视杂志社社长时,他提出了C-Span的概念(把公共事务网与有线电视结合起来)。

    He came up with the idea of C-Span in the late 1970s when he was the Washington bureau chief forCablevision magazine .

  2. 美国CBS《60分钟》电视新闻杂志研究

    A Treatise on American Television News Magazine-CBS " 60 Minutes "

  3. 电视、杂志和报纸上的广告告诉我们该买什么。

    Ads on television and in magazines and newspapers tell us what we should buy .

  4. 《电视指南杂志》:首先说说最重要的问题:我们什么时候才能看见你(扮演的Mrs.Wolowitz)出现在荧屏上?

    TV Guide Magazine : First things first : When will we see you on screen ?

  5. 《电视指南杂志》:那么又没有谁曾经通过你的声音而认出你呢?

    TV Guide Magazine : So do you ever get recognized in public by your voice ?

  6. 很多很多的活动,所以你们会从电视和杂志商看见更多次飞轮海!

    Lots of activities and you will be seeing more of Fahrenheit on TV and magazines !

  7. 尽管在电视和杂志,没有人是处方药广告一定比别人更优秀。

    Despite advertisements on television and in magazines , no one prescription is necessarily better than another .

  8. 《电视指南杂志》:在剧中你经常要扯着嗓门喊,那你肯定要吃不少润喉糖吧

    TV Guide Magazine : With all the yelling you do , you must need a lot of lozenges

  9. 她的产品出现在美国及欧洲的广告牌、电视和杂志上。

    Her work has been featured in advertising on billboards , TV , and magazines in the US and in Europe .

  10. 这些研究结果的问题在于:它和我们在电视和杂志封面上看到的情况不一样。

    The problem with these findings is that they are at variance with what we see on our television screens and magazine covers .

  11. 我们将在电视,杂志上做广告并印制一系列的产品宣传手册,使消费者了解我们的产品。

    We will advertise and print a series of products pamphlets on the magazine in the TV , make consumers understand our products .

  12. 这与乐高玩具的主人已经为博物馆,画廊,电视,杂志,公司,著名的百货公司和知名人士。

    This master with Lego toys has worked for museums , galleries , television , magazines , corporations , famous department stories and celebrities .

  13. 网络、电视、杂志、报刊等传媒手段迅速发展,使得名人广告能够更好的展现在广大消费者的面前。

    The Internet , television , magazines , etc , the rapid development of media means can be good celebrity advertising in front of consumers show .

  14. 许多媒体应用与我们的日常生活,例如电影电视,杂志,报纸广播和书籍,你认为哪个最好?优点和缺点?

    Nowadays so many media used for our daily life , such as films tv radio and book , which do you think is most effective ?

  15. 如果各位看一下这张图表,就可以知道,最好的媒体组合是,电视和杂志广告并用。

    If you 'll take a look at this chart , the best media mix , then , would be a combination of TV and magazine advertisements .

  16. 要记住,你对周围的环境非常敏感,无论是收音机、报纸、电视、杂志、广告或与他人的对话,都会对你产生很大影响。

    Remember , you are very susceptible to the suggested influences in your environment , whether radio , television , newspapers , magazines , billboards or conversations with other people .

  17. 利用电视和杂志等媒体进行被动吸烟对健康危害的宣传,加强人群主动避免被动吸烟的意识,是控制人群吸烟、降低人群被动吸烟率的可行性措施之一。

    Propagandizing the serious harm of passive smoking by medium and strengthening the consciousness of avoiding passive smoking were one of feasible measures to lower the rate of smoking and passive smoking .

  18. 不喜欢被别人说我崇洋媚外,但自己的成长却偏偏跟那个曾经的殖民地的电视、杂志文化所影响。

    People regards me as being xenocentric , which vexes me a lot , but my life is influenced by this used-to-be colony deeply from their TV , magazines to their culture .

  19. 并最终在深入探讨了盘点型电视新闻杂志的传播优势的基础上,对其何以再造信息环境和如何再造信息环境等问题进行了微观层次的具体研究。

    At last , on the base of the exploring the communication superiority of the " Checking Type " magazine & format documentary series , this essay tries to discuss it why can and how to rebuilt the " Pseudo-environment " .

  20. 在周二的一场新闻发布会上,北京市卫生局疾控科科长赵涛说:受电视、杂志和其他公共媒体以及环境因素影响,越来越多的青少年开始吸烟。

    " Influenced by television , magazine and other public media , and environmental factors , more and more teenagers are picking up cigarettes ," Zhao Tao , the disease control section chief of Beijing health bureau , said at a press conference Tuesday .

  21. 在最近20年的发展演变中,我国的电视新闻杂志日渐成熟,并由于新闻时态的迥异而形成了两种主要的节目类型&时鲜型电视新闻杂志和盘点型电视新闻杂志。

    In the recent twenty years , they are gradually ripe in our country and have taken shape the two main types of program due to the difference of the tense of News-one type called " Fresh " , the other called " Checking " .

  22. 媒介与消费之间的关系一直受到传播学界的重视,对于电视、杂志、广告与消费关系的研究已日趋成熟,网络传播与消费也得到越来越多的关注。

    The relationship between the media and consumption has been receiving much attention in communication studies . Researches on the relation among television , magazines or advertising and consumer are becoming mature gradually and meanwhile network communication and consumption also get more and more attention .

  23. 外表歧视如暗疾般在社会上肆虐,在电视上,杂志上,学校里随处可见。

    Lookism pervades society like an insidious virus and is found everywhere : on tv , in magazines , in school .

  24. 而根据《电视指南》杂志的报道,制片人韦尔斯更是证实Jimmy其实是死掉了。

    As reported by TV Guide Magazine , Wells confirmed during the panel that Jimmy did in fact die .

  25. 可是一段时间过后,电视上,杂志上到处都是Kitty,Kitty,Kitty。

    But after a while , on TV and in magazines it was just Kitty , Kitty , Kitty .

  26. 《电视指南》杂志报道,Kirkman说Carol肯定会在第四季结束前回归,不过这也许不是所有粉丝都这么想。

    TV Guide reports that Kirkman says Carol will definitely return before the end of the season . But that 's not all viewers have to look forward to .

  27. 对她来说,幸福就是看电视和读杂志。

    For her , happiness consists in watching television and reading magazines .

  28. 《电视指南》杂志也透露了另外一些神秘人物的登场将会给剧集增添不少刺激。

    TV Guide also revealed other mysterious characters who will add more excitement to the drama .

  29. 交谊厅备有线电视,书报杂志,咖啡,茶水及网际网路服务功能。

    Social room equipped with cable tv , magazine , coffee , tea and Internet access .

  30. 人们通过电影、电视和期刊杂志仿效他们的生活方式和思维方式。

    People fellow their way of life and way of thinking by movie , television and magazines .