
  1. 讨论了用0.5~1.5Ω的小电阻将放电态电池短路2h,通过测试开路搁置24h后电池电压的恢复情况来判定电池自放电是否合格,达到快速测定电池自放电性能的目的。

    The method for determining whether the self discharge performance of the cell was qualified , which was short circuiting the discharged cell for 2 h and measuring its voltage after 24 h open circuit shelf , to measure the self discharge performance quickly was discussed .

  2. 修理对电池短路的速度感知器电路。*

    Repair speed sensor circuit for a short to battery .

  3. 碱锰电池短路电流的下降

    The drop of short-current of alkaline zinc-manganese battery

  4. 对地短路,对电池短路

    Short to ground , short to battery

  5. 研究结果表明,为了避免电池短路,应尽量采用细丝径纤维组成的隔膜;

    The results show that the separator composed of fine fiber should be used in order to avoid battery short circuit ;

  6. 研究了不同正极材料、不同电解质和不同温度对电池短路放电性能的影响以及电池的重复短路放电性能。

    The effect of cathode , electrolyse and temperature on the performance of the battery has been investigated in terms of the shortcircuit discharge .

  7. 锌电极在充电过程中会产生锌枝晶,不断生长的枝晶将穿透隔膜而使电池短路。

    A problem is the formation of zinc dendrite during charging and overcharging of the zinc electrode causing short circuiting by penetration through the separator .

  8. 结果表明,电流匹配是影响叠层电池短路电流和转换效率的重要因素之一,电流匹配可以通过调整单元电池厚度来实现。

    It had been demonstrated in this paper that the current matching was one of the important factors which affected the fill factor and conversion efficiency of a Si tandem solar cells .

  9. 当光强在80&100mW/cm~2之间时,非晶硅太阳电池短路电流与光强呈线性关系。

    It is measured and found that IsC of a-Si solar cells is a linear function of illumination intensity within 80-100 mW / cm2 . The spectral response profiles has slightly changed before and after the cells are aged .

  10. 传统的碳材料在嵌锂终端电压几乎接近于0V,因此在快充或过充的过程中,锂枝晶生成并沉积在碳材料表面,其易引起电池内部短路和电池爆炸。

    Conventional carbon materials are almost close to 0 V at the end of Li insertion , as a result , dendritic lithium plates on the surface of carbonaceous materials during the fast-charge or over-charge process , which easily induce short circuit and explosion inside batteries .

  11. 碱性锌锰电池内部短路的探讨

    Discussion on internal short circuit of alkaline zinc manganese dioxide battery

  12. 锂离子电池内部短路实验方法的比较

    The comparison of Li-ion battery internal short circuit test methods

  13. 串联电阻降低了电池的短路电流,旁路电阻降低了电池的开路电压。

    Series resistance reduces short current and shunt resistance reduces open voltage .

  14. 聚合物锂离子电池内部短路的诊断

    Diagnosis of inner short circuit of polymer Li-ion battery

  15. 电灯,插座和一对探针,以供试验电池的短路和检查故障用。

    Electric bulb and socket , with a pair of prods for testing for element shorts and defects .

  16. 控制好制备工艺条件以及合理的使用,可防止电池的短路。

    To avoid short-circuit of the battery , the control of the manufacture process and suitable use were important .

  17. 结果表明,不同粒径之氧化锌奈米粒子封电池的短路电流、效率等有明显的影响。

    The result showed that the ZnO nano-grains with different diameters affected remarkably on cells short circuit current and efficiency .

  18. 本文对糊式电池的短路电流数值分布进行了分析,并以此估计生产过程的工艺均匀性。

    The numerical distribution of the short circuit current of Leclanche batteries was analysed , by which the estimation of the homogeneity of the battery production process was made .

  19. 结果表明:在100mW/cm2模拟太阳光强照射下,导电玻璃的面电阻减小时,光电池的短路电流会迅速增加,开路电压基本不变。

    The results indicate that the current densities of DSSCs radiated at 100 mW / cm2 increase sharply and the photovoltage changes slightly with a decrease of the conducting glass resistance .

  20. 研究表明,与镀膜前相比,涂覆有减反射薄膜的单晶硅太阳能电池的短路电流和开路电压都有所提高,涂覆有盐酸催化溶胶制备的减反射薄膜的太阳能电池最大输出功率可以提高20%以上;

    The improvement obtained in the silicon solar cell efficiency has been found to be about 20 % when antireflection coatings were prepared on silicon solar cells under hydrochloric acid catalysis .

  21. 结果表明:集流体(铜网)中的铜元素逐渐地迁移,是造成电池微短路与低电压甚至零电压的主要原因。

    The results showed the gradual migration of copper element from copper current collect to other area was the main reason of inner short circuit and low open circuit voltage of the battery .

  22. 如果超时工作或者启亮指示灯导致完全放电<电量耗尽>,将直接导致电路板受热不均横引发电池组短路,从而缩短电池组寿命!

    Taping-on triggers or leaving work lights on for extended periods to completely discharge the battery pack will reduce its life by upsetting the electro-chemical balance and can result in short circuiting of the battery .

  23. 氢等离子体和氮化硅薄膜都能有效地提高单晶和多晶电池的短路电流密度,进而使电池效率有不同程度(绝对转换效率0.5%2.9%)的提高;

    Both hydrogen plasma and SiNx thin film can effectively enhance the short circuit current density of mono and poly silicon solar cells , which cause the improvement of the absolute transfer efficiency about 0.5 % ~ 2.9 % .

  24. 引入GZO/Al复合背电极后,非晶硅太阳能电池的短路电路、开路电压、填充因子和转换效率都得到了提高,非晶硅太阳能电池的性能得到显著提高。

    Short-circuit current , open circuit voltage , fill factor and conversion efficiency are improved after introducing GZO / Al back reflector . The introduction of GZO / Al back reflector significantly improved the performances of the a-Si solar cells .

  25. VRLA电池枝晶短路的分析

    An analysis of dendrite short circuit in VRLA batteries

  26. 对VRLA电池枝晶短路产生的原因进行了分析。

    The reasons of dendrite short circuit in VRLA ( batteries ) were discussed .

  27. 本文简述了该实验的原理、实验方法及测量结果,得出了太阳能电池基本参数短路电流Isc、开路电压Uoc与太阳能电池接收到的相对光强度J/J0的近似函数关系。

    The theory , method of experiment and result of measurement are described . And the approximate function of short circuit current I_ ( s 、 c ), open voltage U_ ( o 、 e ) and relative light intensity J / J_ ( 0 ) received .

  28. 锂离子电池组的短路保护电路设计

    Design of short-circuit protection circuit for Li-ion battery piles

  29. 电池规程放电与短路电流自动测试

    The Automatic Test of Routine Discharge and Short Current of Dry Cells

  30. 用离子型代替非离子型高分子胶料可降低浆层纸在锌锰干电池中电阻,从而提高电池的短路电流和放电容量。

    The resistance of paper liner in zinc manganese battery could be decreased by substituting non ion type with ion type macromolecule gel , then the short circuit current and discharge capacity of battery could be enhanced .