
  • 网络Electric furnace steel;Electric Steel;Electrical Steel;electrosteel
  1. 简易炉外处理在电炉钢生产中的应用

    Application of Simple and Easy External Treatment in Electric steel production

  2. 试验并分析了真空脱气钢和普通电炉钢的接触疲劳性能。

    The paper analysed contact fatigue performances of vacuum degasification steel and common electric steel .

  3. 光电光谱分析电炉钢中微量Ca

    Analysis of Trace Calcium in EAF Steel by Photoelectric Spectrometer

  4. LF炉在电炉钢生产中的作用

    The role of ladle furnace in the production of electric furnace steels

  5. 结果表明,D2电渣钢冲击韧度和硬度明显优于D2电炉钢。其主要原因是氧含量较低,碳化物分布状态较好。

    The results indicate that the toughness and the hardness of D2 electroslag remelted steel were more excellent than those of D2 EF steel , for the former contained small amount of oxygen and had excellent carbide distribution .

  6. 本文论述了上海第五钢铁厂LF炉10年来在电炉钢生产中,为提高产品质量、提高电炉生产率、开发新品种、降低生产成本等经济、社会效益方面所起的重要作用。

    The present paper describes the important roles of LF in the steel production of electric furnace in the last decade in Shanghai No. 5 Steel Works for improving the steel quality , increaing EF productivity , developing new product variety , lowering the production cost and etc.

  7. 近10年来,我国电炉钢生产的发展趋势是建造50t以上的超高功率电弧炉和发展相关的炼钢工艺和技术。

    In last decade , the developing trend of arc furnace steel production in China was to build more than 50 t large capacity UHP arc furnace and develop relative steelmaking process and technology .

  8. 对电炉钢冶炼铜高问题分析及其解决办法的探讨

    Solving the Problems of High Cu - Bearing Liquid Steel in EAF

  9. 电炉钢外来夹杂控制的研究

    Research on macroscopic control of external impurity for EAF steel

  10. 喷粉强化还原提高电炉钢质量的试验研究

    Experiment on the powder injecting for improving the quality of electric furnace steel

  11. 加强电炉钢短流程生产工艺研究与技术开发的建议

    Suggestion on Strengthening Process Research and Technology Development of EAF Steel Production for Mini Mill

  12. 酸性高频感应电炉钢

    Acid high-frequency induction furnace steel

  13. 分析了熔炼电炉钢制造的铝型材热挤压模的失效原因及影响因素。

    The causes of lose effectiveness of aluminum profile hot extrusion die made of the electro-smelted steel are analyzed .

  14. 改电炉钢、渣混出的出钢方式为虹吸出钢。

    The siphon tapping process has taken the place of-the previous steel-slag mixed tapping method in the electric are furnace operation .

  15. 概述了铁合金电炉钢瓦、电极把持器、矮烟罩结构、电炉加料系统及大电流系统的设计和改造情况。

    The design and improvement situation are summarized on contact clamp , electrode holder , low hood structure , furnace charging system and great current system .

  16. 电炉钢比例下降、西部开发呈现新的特色、融资成本出现上升态势,这对长钢投资构成导向约束。

    These factors such as EBT steels'ratio decreasing new characteristics of west development of China and increasing tendency of cost of borrowing limit the investment orientation of Chandgand .

  17. 该项技术在上海重型机器厂多钢种上应用,可使成本降低3~5%,有显著经济效益:该厂1990年电炉钢产量为3.47万吨,每年可节约93.97万元。

    This technique has been used at many grades of steel in Shanghai Heavy Machinery Plant , and the cost has been cut down by 3 & 5 % .

  18. 提出了电弧炉炼钢比较优势分析框架,将电炉钢和转炉钢作为替代品进行比较,得出了电炉炼钢的优势及影响其应用的因素。

    An analytical frame work is developed by treating the BOF steel as EAF steel 's substitutes , Then the application potential and application potential are gotten using the framework .

  19. 讨论了电炉钢比对混合流程铁资源效率的影响,结果表明,电炉钢比愈高,混合流程铁资源效率愈高。

    The influence of EAF steel ratio on iron utilization efficiency of mix process is discussed . The higher EAF steel ratio , the higher the iron utilization efficiency of mix process is .

  20. 降低电炉钢成本的关键是节能,而电能单耗是评价电弧炉节能的一个重要指标。

    The key factor of decreasing production cost for electric arc furnace is energy saving , the specific electric energy consumption of EAF is one of important indexes to evaluate its energy saving effect .

  21. 我想第二种分类方法较简单。按冶炼方法,钢可分为平炉钢、转炉钢和电炉钢。

    I think the second way to classify steels is simple . By refining methods steels can be divided into three classes : open-hearth furnace steel , converter steel , and electric furnace steel .

  22. 本文介绍了能够解决现代钢轨,包括电炉钢钢轨,在使用线路焊轨机进行焊接工作时发生焊接问题的新工艺、新技术和新装备。

    The new technologies , technical decisions and equipment enabling to solve problems of welding modern rails , including rails of electric furnace steel , in conditions of conducting works with use of on-track rail welding machines are presented .

  23. 通过对国内外废钢资源状况的深入调研,全面掌握了国内外废钢资源量,弄清了中国利用国外废钢资源的状况,预测了2010~2020年中国废钢资源量和电炉钢比。

    After intensive research and analysis of the status of scrap resources , the amount of domestic and overseas steel scraps were estimated . The amount of scrap resources and the EAF share of steel production for China in 2010-2020 were forecasted .

  24. 分析了典型钢铁生产流程的铁资源效率,以及电炉钢比对混合生产流程铁资源效率的影响,讨论了中、美、日三国钢铁工业的铁资源效率与电炉钢比的关系。

    And the influence of the EAF / steel ratio on iron resource efficiency in the mixed manufacturing process was also discussed . Meanwhile , the relationship between iron resources efficiency and the EAF / steel ratio of steel industry in China , USA and Japan was discussed . 3 .

  25. 全连铸炉机最佳匹配经验小电炉合金钢全连铸的生产

    Producing Technology of Alloying Steel Fully Continuous Casting in Small-electro-furnace Steelmaking Plant

  26. 电炉纯净钢生产的初步实践

    Clean steel making in the EAF on tentative experience

  27. 介绍了电炉冶炼锚链钢采用喂线加Al的生产情况,在大量统计数据的基础上,充分考虑采用喂线法时影响钢中Al含量的主要因素,得出了回归方程。

    Introduces wire feeding in the ladle of anchor chain steel . On the basis of statistic data , the regression equation on the factors that effect Al content ( % ) in anchor chain steel has been established .

  28. 电炉虹吸出钢法的研究和应用

    Research and application of siphon tapping process in electric arc furnace

  29. 电炉盖用钢纤维增强浇注料的研制

    Development of stainless-steel fibre reinforced castable for EAF roof

  30. 电炉冶炼合金钢工艺的改进

    Improvement in alloy steel making technology for arc furnace