
diàn hàn ɡōnɡ
  • electric welder
  1. 结果:电焊工血清SOD值低于对照组(P<0.01);

    Results : SOD values contented in serum of electric welders are lower than that in the control ;

  2. 电焊工血清SOD、LPO水平测定分析

    Test and Analysis of Level of SOD and LPO in Serum of Electric Welders

  3. 本文分析了140名电焊工和136名对照的发锰、血清IgG、IgA、IgM的含量。

    The levels of manganese in hair and serum immunoglobin G , A , M were determined in 140 welders and 136 controls .

  4. 结果该公司集装箱制造所致电焊工尘肺患病率为8.6%;

    [ Results ] The morbidity of pneumoconiosis was 8.6 % ;

  5. 电焊工血清脂质过氧化水平和神经行为功能的变化

    Changes of serum lipid peroxidation levels and neurobehavioral function in welders

  6. 电焊工尘肺危险因素的病例对照研究

    Case control study on risk factors of pneumoconiosis in welders

  7. 锰对电焊工健康影响的调查

    The Survey of the Effect of Manganese on the Health of Electrical

  8. 江苏省电焊工尘肺疾病负担的评价研究

    Study on Disease Burden Estimate Among Welders ' Pneumoconiosis in Jiangsu Province

  9. 杭州市萧山区电焊工职业卫生服务需求现状调查

    Occupational health service demand of welding workers in Xiaoshan district , Hangzhou city

  10. 电焊工体内脂质过氧化水平及相关酶活性

    Study on plasmic lipid peroxidation and activities of related enzyme in electric welders

  11. 电焊工监工每周挣400英镑。

    A welding overseer picks up $ 400a week .

  12. 电焊工血清丙二醛含量和红细胞超氧化物歧化酶活性的研究

    Study of Serum Malondialdehyde Content and Erythrocyte Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Welding Workers

  13. 电焊工发锰与血清免疫球蛋白含量的关系

    The Exploration of Relationship between Manganese in Hair and Serum Immunoglobin in Welders

  14. 目的探讨电焊工尘肺预防的经济效益和社会效益。

    Objective The economic and social benefits of welder pneumoconiosis prevention were studied .

  15. 那个新的电焊工,我不知道他姓什么。

    The new arc weider , I don 't know his Iast name .

  16. 某集装箱制造公司电焊工尘肺高发原因的调查分析

    Investigation of the Causes for Pneumoconiosis among Electric-welding Workers in a Container Producing Company

  17. 方法采用劳动卫生现场调查方法,对公司电焊工220人进行职业健康体检。

    [ Methods ] Occupational physical examination was carried out among 220 electric welding workers in that company .

  18. 各类尘肺新发病例数以矽肺为首,石棉肺、铸工尘肺和电焊工尘肺次之。

    The cases of silicosis were ranking the first , with asbestosis , founder pneumoconiosis and welder pneumoconiosis followed .

  19. 电焊工尘肺发病情况调查铁路热送保温车辆的设计与研制

    An Investigation of Incidence on Welders ' Pneumoconiosis in Railway Waggon Factory Produce and Design of Hot Delivery Refrigerator Waggon

  20. 方法:某汽车制造厂30名电焊工为调查对象,30名高校师生为对照。

    Method used : 30 electric welders were chosen as tested examples and 30 college teachers and students were control .

  21. 2009年青岛市机械制造业电焊工职业病防治知识调查

    Investigation on the Knowledge of Occupational Disease Prevention and Control among Welders of Mechanical Industry in Qingdao City in 2009

  22. 本人现应聘贵公司的电焊工职位,望能给予面试机会。

    My job intention is a welding position in your company , and I wish to be given an interview chance .

  23. 焊接烟尘导致的电焊工尘肺已经成为21世纪一种主要的职业病,严重危害着焊接工人的身体健康。

    Welders ' pneumoconiosis caused by welding fumes has become a major occupation disease in twenty-first Century , seriously endangering the health of welding workers .

  24. 选择44名接触不同空气中锰浓度的干电池制造工和电焊工,进行了成套的神经行为功能测验。

    By using the neurobehavioral core test battery ( NCTB ), 44 manganese exposed workers working in electrical arc welding and dry battery workshops were tested .

  25. 方法对昆明铁路局从事线路工、桥隧工、电焊工、装卸工工人共计1068例的肺功能进行检查。

    Methods A total of 1068 railway workers including those in electricity , bridge and tunnel constrction , cargo loading and unloading were examined on their pulmonary function .

  26. 活接式电焊训练夹具是制做用于采油厂电焊工累积带水焊接经验,提高带水焊接技术的一种训练器具。

    Loose joint electric welding training clamp is a training apparatus that used for making the cumulative oil production plant welder welding training activities and improving water welding technology .

  27. 从电焊工蜕变为艺术家,他开了自己的设计作品展,还与当年只有8岁大的侄女组建了一支摇滚乐队,并发行了自己的唱片。

    The welder-turned-artist has put on his own design work exhibition , started a rock band with his ( then ) 8-year-old nephew , and released his own CD record .

  28. 着重论述了直接影响焊接质量的三大因素,即电焊条、电焊机和电焊工的重要性及其选择,施焊和检查方式。

    The three factors influencing the welding quality are mainly discussed that contain the choice and importance of electric welding rod , electric welder and arc welder , welding and inspection pattern .

  29. 化工行业和玻璃饰品行业粉尘危害严重,电焊工尘肺不容忽视。

    The dust in Chemical and glass accessories industry lead to serious harmful effects of health . In additon , dust in pneumoconiosis of the electric welder should be controled . 5 .

  30. 电焊工尘肺比上海1949~1986年尘肺流行病学调查资料提供的尘肺构成所占比例增多(P<0005),并且发病年龄轻,接尘工龄短。

    Compared to the corresponding constitution of pneumoconiosis from the epidemiological investigation between 1949 and 1986 in Shanghai , the percentage of welder workers in all pneumoconiosis patients was increased ( P < 0 005 ) .