
  1. 木质纤维素类生物质转化生物乙醇预处理B2B工艺的发展研究

    Study on the Pretreatment Technology Development of Transforming B2B-lignocellulosic Biomass to Bio-ethanol

  2. 生物质转化为高品位液体燃料的研究进展

    Research Progress on Biomass translates into High-grad Liquid Fuel

  3. 酶在生物质转化为燃料酒精中的应用

    Application of Cellulases for Alcohol Production from Biomass

  4. 生物质转化燃料乙醇纤维素酶的研究

    Biological material transformation fuel ethanol cellulose enzymes research

  5. 生物质转化技术与应用研究进展

    Research Progress on Biomass Converting Technology and Application

  6. 这些有机物广泛在于污水,生物质转化过程产物当中。

    These organic compounds widely exist in waste water and products from biomass conversion .

  7. 本课题以氧化反应为手段,在高温水中将煤炭和生物质转化为具有高附加值的化学品,在此方面开展了一系列研究。

    This study focuses on the selective oxidation of coal and biomass into high-valued chemicals in hot water .

  8. 阿魏酸酯酶在生物质转化、制浆造纸、动物饲料生产和生物合成中具有广泛的应用价价。

    Feruloyl esterase has been widely used in the bio-ethanol production , pulping industry , animal feed production and the biological synthesis process .

  9. 优良的纤维素酶产生菌的选育对于生物质转化成燃料乙醇及其他轻化产品的开发具有重要意义。

    Screening high yield cellulase producing strain is very important to the development of the biomass into fuel ethanol and other light-based product .

  10. 由于热纤梭菌具有降解纤维素和产乙醇的能力,可直接将纤维素生物质转化为乙醇。

    C.thermocellum has garnered research interest due to its cellulolytic and ethanologenic abilities , being capable of directly converting a cellulosic substrate into ethanol .

  11. 通过热解技术可以实现把低能量密度的生物质转化为高能量密度的液、固、气产品,同时还能从生物油中提取多种化学品。

    With this process , the low energy density in biomass can be converted into the products with high energy density and many chemicals can be obtained .

  12. 生物质转化技术可分为生物法和热化学转化法,后者主要有气化、热解、高压液化等工艺。

    The process of biomass conversion can be divided as biochemical process and thermo-chemical method , the later method can be sub-divided into gasification , pyrolysis , liquefaction , etc.

  13. 气体发生器将煤与生物质转化成合成气,此合成气为一氧化碳、二氧化碳和氢化物的混合物,作为联合循环电厂的燃烧气体。

    The gasifier will convert coal and biomass into syngas , a mixture of CO , CO2 and hydrogen , which will be used to fuel the combined-cycle power plant .

  14. 由于化石燃料的枯竭和生态平衡的要求,近年来国际上又重视用热化学方法把生物质转化为高质量燃料,各方面的研究发展十分迅速。

    Because of the depletion of fossil fuels and ecological balance requirements , in recent years , the international community has attached importance to using thermo-chemical way to get high-quality biomass into fuel .

  15. 本课题创新性地在不外加氢的条件下,利用直接脱氧液化工艺,将生物质转化为高热值的液体燃料。

    Our research group has developed an innovative technological route in which biomass can be converted into the carbon-hydrogen liquid fuel with high heating value by direct deoxy-liquefaction in the absence of hydrogen .

  16. 通过热解液化技术可将生物质转化为高品位、能量密度高且容易储存运输和利用的生物质油。

    By flash pyrolysis technology , the biomass and other organic refuse could be converted into liquid fuel ( bio-oil ) which is high energy density and easy to save , transport and use .

  17. 它能使纤维素类生物质转化为葡萄糖,从而在许多不同的领域得到应用,例如燃料乙醇、动物饲料、废水处理及酿酒工业等。

    It can be used in converting cellulosic biomass to glucose that can be used in different applications such as fuel ethanol production , animal feed production , waste water treatment , and brewing industry .

  18. 纤维素酶在生物质转化过程中的重要作用与地位毋庸置疑,设法提高纤维素酶的酶活也是降低生产成本的最重要途径之一。

    In another way , the status of enzymes in the technology of transforming cellulase into ethanol was proved beyond the shadow of a doubt . The technology of improving the cellulase activity also played an important part in the cutting off the production costs .

  19. 复杂的结构是木质纤维素资源利用的瓶颈,而其预处理是实现生物质转化为燃料乙醇的关键步骤,直接影响着木质纤维素水解效率和乙醇的生产成本。

    Whereas , complex structures inhibit the use of lignocellulosic biomass resources . The pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass is considered to be a crucial step in the biological conversion to ethanol , which will affect the hydrolysis efficiency of lignocellulose and the cost of ethanol production directly .

  20. 随着化石资源的日益匮乏,国内外将研究焦点逐渐转向生物质转化利用方面,尤其是利用农林废弃物开发可再生产品如生物乙醇、木糖醇及其它化学品等的研究。

    With the increasing scarcity of fossil fuels , the research gradually focus on the biomass conversion both at home and abroad , especially the research of transforming agricultural and forestry wastes into the renewable products such as bio-ethanol , xylitol , and a large number of other chemicals .

  21. 为了对高碱生物质热化学转化中碱金属问题的解决提供理论指导,定量研究了稻杆中K、Na、Cl的热解析出过程。

    To deal with the alkali problems of high-alkali biomass thermochemical utilization , the quantitative study of the release of K , Na and Cl from rice straw pyrolysis was carried out .

  22. 近年来数值计算方法的进步和计算机计算性能的提高使计算流体动力学(CFD)数值模拟仿真应用到生物质热化学转化过程成为现实。

    Recent progression in numerical techniques and computing efficacy has advanced Computational fluid dynamic ( CFD ) as a widely used approach to provide efficient design solutions in biomass thermochemical process .

  23. 通过CFD模拟生物质热化学转化在不同操作条件下的动力学过程,可以使发生在反应器内的动态过程实现可视化,有助于更好的理解和研究热化学转化过程的物理和化学现象。

    The model results help to show the dynamics process visible and give more insight within the reactor under different operating conditions , which is a benefit to better understanding of the chemical and physical process .

  24. 中国林业生物质能源转化技术产业化趋势

    The trend of energy conversion technology of forestry biomass in China

  25. 综述了用超临界流体进行废弃物和生物质的转化。

    This paper summarized supercritical fluid conversion of residues and biomass .

  26. 木材的超临界气化和液化与木本生物质能源转化

    Supercritical Gasification of Wood and Energy Transform of Ligniform Biomass

  27. 生物质化学转化制备香料&乳酸的利用

    Chemical Conversions of Biomass into Aroma Chemicals & the Use of Lactic Acid

  28. 生物质能源转化技术与应用(Ⅰ)

    Conversion Technology and Utilization of Biomass Energy (ⅰ)

  29. 通过添加沼气重整,90%以上的生物质碳转化为合成气,二甲醚的最大产量为0.244kg/kg(DME/生物质)。

    The maximum DME yield was 0.244 kg / kg ( DME / biomass ) .

  30. 生物质热化学转化制取富氢气体的技术路线也为氢能源系统的发展提供了广阔的前景。

    Thermo-chemical processes input new power for production and energy system development of rich hydrogen gases .