
  • 网络source sag;petroleum generative depression
  1. 分析表明:山前两排褶皱带在靠近生油凹陷和走滑断层的构造低部位的砂岩体更有利于晚期油气藏的聚集;

    The analysis indicates that sand bodies in lower locations near source sag and shove fault of two rows of piedmont fold belts are more favorable to accumulations of late hydrocarbon reservoirs ;

  2. 目前发现的油气藏均围绕生油凹陷呈环状分布,由浅至深,分别为稠油、正常油和凝析气藏。

    The discovered oil and gas pools are distributed in circularity around the depression .

  3. 在生油凹陷或邻近生油凹陷,有丰富的油气源;

    Good oil ( gas ) source from a source rock depression or near to a source rock depression ;

  4. 有机质的烃源岩是生成油气的物质基础,生油凹陷控制油气藏的分布;

    As the material base of oil and gas generation , source rocks and their distribution usu - ally controlled the distribution of oil and gas pools .

  5. 应用二连盆地主要生油凹陷中泥、砂岩的分析化验等资料,系统分析了本区油气运移作用,总结了主力烃源层的油气运移特征。

    Systemic research on oil and gas migration activities of main hydrocarbon generation sags in the Erlian basin is made based on experiment data from mud and sand .

  6. 三塘湖盆地的主要生油凹陷是条湖凹陷和马朗凹陷,按油气资源量它们属于中等丰度偏高的凹陷。

    Erlian basin is a large-scale continental-facies sedimentation basin with coal and oil , formed of many small Early Cretaceous lake depressions , contains abundant coalbed gas resources .

  7. 环境系数通常与距离生油凹陷的远近及与三角洲前缘砂体的接触程度等外部环境因素有关。

    The environment coefficient usually relates to some external environment factors , such as the distance to genetic sag and the contact degree to frontal sand body of delta .

  8. 青西低凸起西北侧的红南凹陷是生油凹陷,构造位置十分有利,青西坳陷中部应是酒西盆地深入勘探的主要目标区。

    Being near the Hongnan sag , Qingxi low uplift is tectonically favorable for petroleum migration and accumulation , and should be the main exploration target in Jiuxi basin .

  9. 指出层序地层样式和湖盆发育类型控制生油凹陷的优劣和油气藏展布。

    It is point out that good and bad of hydrocarbon depression and oil gas pool arrangement are controlled by mode of sequence stratigraphy and development type of lake basin .

  10. 有机成因二氧化碳气主要分布于生油凹陷周围,是烃类气体的次要伴生产物,并远离大断裂分布。

    The organic origin carbon dioxide mainly distributed around hydrocarbon generating sags , occurring as a secondary by product of hydrocarbon gas and relatively far away from the main faults .

  11. 前渊盆地快速沉降过程中发育欠补偿生油凹陷,在前陆隆起阻挡作用下隆后盆地形成半局限环境生油凹陷。

    A uncompensated oil generation sag formed when foredeep basin rapidly subsided , and back bulge basin developed into a semi restricted oil generation sag under the blockage of foreland uplift .

  12. 油气分布主要沿凹陷的主控断裂带和斜坡枢纽带呈串珠状展布,富集于临近生油凹陷的断鼻、断块构造中。

    Gas and oil distribute mainly along the main fault and slope of the depression , which like as bead , enriched in the broken nose and block formations which near the oil-generating depression .

  13. 就富生油凹陷、区域性盖层、下生上储构造沉积条件和小凸起大圈闭配置等4项内容,分析了渤海湾盆地上第三系油藏的成藏控制因素。

    In the four aspects such as oil_rich depression , regional seal , lower_generating and upper_reservoiring structural_depositional condition and match between small uplift and big trap , the accumulation controls are analyzed for the Neogene oil reservoirs in Bohai Bay basin .