
shēnɡ wù xué xiào jià
  • biological potency
  1. 目的:建立干细胞因子(Stemcellfactor,SCF)体外生物学活性测定方法,用于该制品生物学效价测定。

    Objective : To establish a sensitive and effective method for bioassay of stem cell factor ( SCF ) in vitro used for evaluation of biological potency of this products .

  2. 试验用30日龄Wistar纯系雄性大鼠39只研究了不同铁源的生物学效价。

    An experiment was conducted with 39 thirty day-old male Wistar rats to estimate bioavailability of different iron sources for rats .

  3. MHA-FA相对于DLM的生物学效价是74%(胸肌率),72%(腿肌率)。

    The RBV of MHA-FA are 74 % ( breast meat rate ) and 72 % ( thigh meat rate ), respectively .

  4. MHA-FA的相对生物学效价分别是52%(能量含量),48%(能量沉积率)。

    The RBV of MHA-FA are 52 % ( energy concentration ) and 48 % ( energy retention ), respectively .

  5. 结果表明:PPM含消化能18.84MJ/kg,可消化粗蛋白质74.08%,蛋白质生物学效价76.87%,均显著高于豆粕。

    Results showed that the PPM contained 18.84 MJ / kg digestible energy and 74.08 % digestible protein which were higher than those of SBM ( P 0.05 ) . Biological value of protein was 76.87 % for PPM .

  6. 在等摩尔基础上,液体MHA-FA的相对生物学效价是DLM的59.9%(增重)和74.2%(饲料效率)。

    2 ) regression analysis revealed the liquid MHA-FA was 59.5 % ( weight gain ) and 74.2 % ( feed conversion ) as efficient as DLM on the equimolar basis .

  7. 富铁酵母菌的制备及其对仔猪的生物学效价

    The Preparation of Iron-Enriched Yeasts and Its Bioavailability in Weanling Piglets

  8. 锌是动物营养中的一种重要必需微量元素,由于传统无机锌源生物学效价较低,开发新的锌源是近年来的研究热点之一。

    Zinc is an essential micro element in animal nutrition .

  9. 玉米、豆粕中胆碱生物学效价的研究

    Studies on bioavailability of choline in corn and soybean meal

  10. 肉仔鸡对不同铜源生物学效价的研究

    Study on the unavailability of different copper sources for Broilers

  11. 消旋蛋氨酸与液体蛋氨酸羟基类似物在肉仔鸡上的相对生物学效价比较

    Comparison of Bio-efficacy of Liquid Methionine Hydroxy Analogue to DL-Methionine in Broiler

  12. 不同锌源生物学效价的研究

    Bioavailability of zinc in different Zn sources for rats

  13. 不同来源锌的生物学效价变异很大。

    Bioavailobilities of zinc in various sources varied greatly .

  14. 制油工艺对饲用棉粕生物学效价的影响

    Analyses of influence factors of oil refining technology on bioavailability of feeding cottonseed meal

  15. 磷生物学效价的影响因素

    The Influential Factors of Phosphorus Bioavailability

  16. 酵母菌富集微量元素锌和酵母锌生物学效价的研究

    Bioavailability of zinc in Zn yeast

  17. 氨基酸螯合锌的生物学效价及其对肉鸡生产性能和免疫功能的影响

    The bioavailability of zinc amino acid chelate and its effect on performance and immune functions in Broilers

  18. 蛋氨酸与其羟基类似物游离酸在肉仔鸡体内的相对生物学效价和吸收代谢比较

    Comparsion of Relative Bio-efficacy and Metabolism of Liquid Methionine Hydroxy Analogue Free Acid to DL-methionine in Broiler Chicken

  19. 微量元素氨基酸螯合物由于其优良的生物学效价,受到越来越多的学者关注和广泛的研究。

    Because of the excellent biological value , microelement amino acid chelate has received more and more attention of scholars and extensive study .

  20. 饲料成熟度、植酸含量、饲料加工方法、动物本身的营养状况,都影响锌的生物学效价。

    Bioavailability of zinc was influenced by feed maturity , phat-ata content of feed , feed processing technic , and the nutritional status of animals .

  21. 本试验旨在研究两种蛋氨酸添加剂的相对生物学效价,并得出肉仔鸡适宜的蛋氨酸添加量。

    The aim of the trial is researching the relative biological value of two methionine additives and obtaining the appropriate methionine supplemental level for broiler .

  22. 采用斜率比法,不同判据指标得到的赖氨酸螯合锌和蛋氨酸螯合锌的相对生物学效价不同。

    Using the slope-ratio technique from regression of common logarithm value of different indexes on mean daily Zn intake , relative bioavailability of Zn-Lys and Zn-Met were different .

  23. 本文就目前关于饲料中磷的生物学效价评定的方法即平衡试验法、斜率比法、估测法、三项指标综合法、体外溶解度法、体外透析法作一综述。

    The methods of measuring the biological value of feed phosphorus including balance experiment , slope rate method , tri-index method , in vitro solubility and in vitro dialyse methods were reviewed .

  24. 用肉仔鸡进行为期1周(8~14日龄)的生长反应试验,用标准曲线及斜率比法测定了玉米、豆粕中胆碱生物学效价。

    Growth assays were conducted for one week with broilers at the age of 8 to 14 days , standard curve and slope-ratio techniques were used to evaluate bioavailability of choline in corn or soybean meal .

  25. 用表观消化率进行饲料配方,会导致钙、磷生物学效价的低估,造成钙、磷过量添加和猪粪钙、粪磷的增加。

    These results showed that in the soybean diets of different Ca and P levels , apparent digestibility of Ca and P vary a lot , but true digestibility of Ca and P are relatively stable .