
  • 网络Phytate phosphorus;Phytate P;phytic phosphorus;Phytin Phosphorous
  1. 植酸酶对褐壳蛋用母雏日粮中总磷及植酸磷存留率影响的研究

    Studies on Effects of Microbial Phytase on Total Phosphorus and Phytate Phosphorus Retention for Laying Chicken

  2. 日粮中不同植酸酶和植酸磷水平对产蛋鸡脏器组织镁含量的影响

    Effect of different levels of phytase and phytate phosphorus in the ration onthe content of viscera and tissue magnesium in laying hens

  3. 体外试验主要研究温度、pH、饲料加工工艺和贮存时间对植酸酶活性的影响,以及微生物植酸酶对玉米、豆粕、麦麸中植酸磷的降解率。

    The in vitro experiment studied the influence of temperature pH , feed processing , and storage on the activity of microbial phytase .

  4. 低营养水平的玉米-豆粕型日粮(降低0.1%非植酸磷,0.1%钙和75kcal/kg代谢能);

    2 , com-soybean meal diet with low nutrition level ( decrease 0.1 % NPP , 0.1 % Ca and 75kcal / kg ME respectively );

  5. 在pH5.50,37℃的条件下,300u/kg植酸酶经8h的反应,玉米、豆粕中的植酸磷分别降解了71.92%和38.94%。

    The degradation experiment in vitro showed that 300u / kg plant phytase liberated 71.92 % phytate phosphorus from maize and 3 8.94 % from soybean meal for Sb at pH 5.50 , 37t .

  6. 本试验研究不同来源的豆饼,日粮中氯和非植酸磷水平对肉用仔公鸡生长性能和胫骨软骨症(TD)的影响。

    The experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of nine different sources of soybean meal and two levels of dietary chloride and non-phytate phosphorous on growth performance and tibial dyschondroplasia ( TD ) in male broiler chicks .

  7. 日粮非植酸磷低于0.10%可引起育成鸡磷缺乏症,日粮非植酸磷低于0.20%即可对育成鸡产生不利的影响。

    The 0.10 % non-phytate phosphorus of the ration caused phosphorus deficiency .

  8. 米糠中植酸磷的体外消化试验

    The In - Vitro Digestion Test of Phytate Phosphorus in Rice Bran

  9. 0~3周龄肉仔鸡和蛋用仔公鸡非植酸磷需要量的研究

    Study on the requirement of Broilers and egg cockerels for non-phytate phosphorus

  10. 不同基因型玉米磷素分配与植酸磷积累关系的研究

    The Relationship between Phosphorus Distribution and Phytic Acid Phosphorus Accumulation of Different Maize Varieties

  11. 植物性饲料中植酸磷水解度测定方法的研究

    A Study on Determining Method for Hydrolysis Degree of Phosphor Phytate in Vegetable Feeds

  12. 植酸酶和纤维素酶对蛋鸡生产性能的影响及蛋鸡非植酸磷需要量研究

    Effects of supplemental microbial phytase and cellulase on performance and phosphorus requirement of layers

  13. 不同磷水平下2个玉米品种磷素分配与植酸磷积累的研究

    Effects of Phosphorus Fertilization on Phosphorus Distribution and Phytic Acid Phosphorus accumulation of Two Maize Varieties

  14. 饲粮非植酸磷水平对褐壳蛋鸡植酸磷利用率的影响

    Effect of Dietary Non phytate P Concentration on the Apparent Digestibility of Phytate P for Brown Layers

  15. 单胃动物不能有效利用饲料中的植酸磷,所以单胃动物的高磷粪便就成为了农业磷污染的主要来源。

    Therefore , high-phosphorus faeces from monogastric animals has become a major source of pollution in livestock production .

  16. 植酸酶分解玉米原料中的植酸磷,释放出无机磷,促进酵母发育及代谢。

    Phytase could decompose phosphorus-phytate in corn and give out inorganic phosphorus and advance yeast growing and metabolism .

  17. 不同来源的豆饼、日粮中氯和非植酸磷水平对肉用仔鸡胫骨软骨症的影响

    The effect of different sources of soybean meal and dietary chloride and phosphorus on the tibial dyschondroplasia in broiler chicks

  18. 正对照组采用玉米-豆粕-杂粕型基础饲粮,总磷含量0.55%,非植酸磷含量0.4%,不加酶制剂;

    The positive control diets were based on maize and diverse meals with 0.40 % non-phytate phosphorus and no enzyme Preparation .

  19. 0-4w杂交鹅代谢能、粗蛋白、钙和非植酸磷需要量的研究

    Studies on Metabolizable Energy , Crude Protein , Calcium and Non-phytic Acid Phosphor Requirments of Hybrid Geese from 0 to 4 Week of Age

  20. 不同玉米品种子粒植酸磷及其他形态磷含量的相关性研究离子色谱法检测三聚磷酸盐中不同形态磷酸盐的研究

    Correlative Study on Phytic Phosphorus and Other Phosphorus Composition of Maize Seeds from Different Genotypes Ion Chromatography for Content Determination of Various Phosphate Forms in Tripolyphosphate

  21. 植酸酶是一种新型饲料添加剂,它能提高动物对饲料中植酸磷的利用率,降低粪便中磷的排泄量。

    Phytase preparation is a new type of feed additive , which can enhance the digestibility and availability of phytate phosphorus , and reduce phosphorus excretion from faeces .

  22. 可以用饲料总磷、植酸磷和天然植酸酶酶活指标来预测植物性饲料可消化磷的含量,比较而言,对真可消化磷预测结果的准确性更高。

    It is more accurate to predict the content of true digestible phosphorus than apparent digestible phosphorus with indices of TP , PP and Phy activity in plant feedstuffs .

  23. 日粮植酸磷含量为0.25%的日粮,粪便镁含量显著高于植酸磷为0.15%和0.20%的日粮(p<0.05),表明高植酸磷日粮导致镁的吸收障碍。

    The excreta magnesium was moe high in 0.25 % phytate phosphorus diet than in 0.15 % and 0.20 % phytate phosphorus diet significantly ( p < 0.05 ) .

  24. 由于植酸磷生物有效性下降,引起动物饲养成本提高和水体富营养化等问题也越来越受到重视。

    Furthermore , more and more attention has been drawn to the increase of feed cost and water pollution resulting from the decreased bioavailability of phosphorus deposited in phytic acid .

  25. 采用3×4因子设计,3个日粮植酸磷水平,分别为0.15%,0.20%和0.25%;

    The experimental design was a 3 × 4 factorial arrangement of treatment . The levels of phosphorus in the ration were 0.15 % , 0.20 % and 0.25 % .

  26. 3个转基因株系在植酸磷处理下根系分泌植酸酶活性分别比野生型大豆提高5%、13%和24%。

    In the condition of phytate as the sole phosphorus source , the secreted phytase activities of three transgenic soybean lines were increased by 5 % , 13 % and 24 % respectively .

  27. 植物体内天然植酸酶的含量水平很低,并不足以使植物从大量的植酸磷中释放出足量的无机磷。

    The concentration level of natural phytase in plants is very low , not enough to make the plant to release a sufficient amount of inorganic phosphorus from a large number of phytate .

  28. 本试验主要研究在不同植酸磷水平的肉鸡饲粮中添加植酸酶对肉鸡生产性能、回肠养分表观回肠消化率和胫骨矿化的影响。

    This research focused on the effect of phytase on broiler chicks ' growth performance , apparent ileal nutrient digestibility and tibia mineralization in diets contained different levels of phytate phosphorus ( PP ) .

  29. 在饲粮中添加植酸酶活性高的植物性饲料,可提高猪和家禽对植酸磷的利用率,降低粪便中磷的排泄量,提高生产性能。

    Supplying some plant feed ingredients which have endogenous phytase activity in diet can increase the digestibility and availability of phytate bound phosphorus , reduce phosphorus excretion from animal manure and improve production performance .

  30. 将120头仔猪随机分为4组,每组30头进行饲养试验,探讨植酸酶对21日龄±2日龄断奶仔猪生长性能及对植酸磷代谢的影响。

    120 piglets divided into 4 groups ( 30 piglets for each group ), weaned at 21 ± 2 days were used to investigate the effects of Phytase on the growth performance and P-phytate metabolism .