
  • 网络Plant active ingredients;phyto-active;Vegetable active component;Phyto Active Extract;Vegetrrn a position activecomponent
  1. 目的寻求能够抑制hIL-1β基因表达的植物活性成分,为新药开发提供先导化合物。

    OBJECTIVE To seek the plant components which can inhibit expression of hIL-1 β mRNA , and offer the lead compounds for development of new drug .

  2. 杜鹃花科植物活性成分及作用机制研究进展

    Advances in studies on activity constituents of Ericaceae and their mechanisms

  3. 苦皮藤植物活性成分的分离与结构鉴定

    Separation and Structural Identification of Active Components from Celastrus angulatus Max

  4. 植物活性成分防治高脂血症大鼠代谢紊乱的功效

    Protective Effects of Active Components from Herbal Medicine on Hyperlipemia in Rats

  5. 天然植物活性成分与仔猪肠道菌群的互作

    The interaction between the active ingredients of natural plants and intestinal microflora in piglets

  6. 香茅属植物活性成分在病虫害防治中的研究与应用

    Studies and applications of active ingredients in Cymbopogon plants on agricultural diseases and pests management

  7. 植物活性成分与癌症的化学预防

    Phytochemical constituents and cancer chemoprevention

  8. 以有机的植物活性成分如橄榄,大豆,愈合植物原料和抗氧化剂而精心配制。

    Formulated from a synergetic blend of organic and vegetable plant actives such as olives , soya beans , healing botanicals and antioxidants .

  9. 分离植物活性成分是目前医药领域研究的重要课题,从植物中提取的高纯度活性成分可以作为许多疾病的高效治疗药物。

    It is investigative and important subject in current medicine field for separating the active composition in plant , the high pure active composition from the plant can be used as cure for many diseases efficiently .

  10. 为研究一种含天然植物活性成分消毒剂的杀菌性能及其毒性,采用悬液定量杀菌试验、现场消毒试验和动物毒性试验方法进行了观察。

    In order to study the germicidal property and toxicity of a disinfectant containing natural plant active component , suspension quantitative germicidal test , field disinfection trial and animal toxicity test were used to carry out observation .

  11. 本文分述了天然植物活性成分α-HT开发为天然食品抗氧剂的可能性以及其制备工艺、质量标准、使用方法和在油脂、肉制品、果蔬、糕点等食品行业上的应用效果。

    In this paper , the probability of α - HT as natural food antioxidant and the process of producing , standards of product , method of use were reported , as well as the effect of α - HT in oils , meal products , fruit and vegetable and etc.

  12. 以DNA为作用靶追踪分离天然植物药活性成分

    DNA-targeting bioassay guided isolation of active principles from natural medicinal plants

  13. 方法:综述DNA与其靶向分子的作用方式以及DNA为作用靶的生物活性筛选系统跟踪分离天然植物药活性成分的情况。

    METHODS : Review interaction styles of DNA with DNA targeting molecules and bioassay guided isolation of active principles from natural medicinal plants .

  14. 方法采用一步法RT-PCR对hIL-1β基因的表达进行定量,追踪植物的活性成分。

    METHODS The hIL-1 β mRNA expression was quantitated with one-step RT-PCR , and the active plant components were frailed .

  15. 而目前的研究,陆续发现了薏苡含有许多特殊的植物化学活性成分,其中之一就是被广为用来抗癌的丙酮萃取物&薏苡仁酯(coixenolide)。

    From current studies , many phytochemical active ingredients from Coix were discovered and one of them is coixenolide , the acetone extract being widely used in anticancer .

  16. 秦岭卫矛科植物杀虫活性成分研究

    Studies on the Insecticidal Components of Celastraceae Plants in Qinling Mountain Area

  17. 三种瑞香属药用植物的活性成分研究

    Studies on the Active Constituents of Three Medicinal Plants of the Genus Daphne

  18. 结论对这3种植物的活性成分进行追踪,有望开发出抗病毒新药。

    CONCLUSION The anti-virus components from the three plants to be for ther researched will be helpful to develop new anti-virus drug .

  19. 阐明药用植物生物活性成分的次生代谢途径及其调控是药用植物功能基因组学的主要内容之一。

    Clarification the pathways and regulation of secondary metabolic pathway is one of the main contents of functional genomics in medicinal plants .

  20. 植物中活性成分丰富,从植物中寻找抗病毒活性物质为植物病毒病的防治提供了一条新途径。

    Plant is a natural source providing mankind various secondary metabolites with antiviral activity , which provides a new way for control of plant virus diseases .

  21. 寻找安全、高效、无残留的植物源活性成分来替代抗生素是畜禽营养与免疫学研究的重要方向。

    Thereby , in the research of livestock and poultry nutrition and immunology , it is of significant direction to seek out the safe , efficient and no residue plant active ingredients as the substitution of antibiotics which may turn out to a significant research study .

  22. 丁香脂素是多种药用植物的重要活性成分。

    Syringaresinol is an important bioactive constituent in many medicine-used plants .

  23. 有机酸成分是荨麻是荨麻属植物主要抗炎活性成分之一。

    Organic acid was one of anti-inflammation active component in Urtica plant .

  24. 药用植物獐牙菜属活性成分研究

    Studies on the Active Principles from Plants of Swertia Species

  25. 五种蒿属植物源杀虫剂活性成分的提取工艺

    Extraction Technology for Active Components of Plant-based Pesticides from Five Artemisia Species

  26. 植物源抑菌活性成分研究新进展

    Research Advances in Natural Antibacterial Constituents from Plant Origin

  27. 植物中的活性成分已成为人们研究的主要对象之一。

    The active ingredients of natural plant have become one of the major research objections .

  28. 黄酮类化合物是天然药用植物的主要活性成分之一,具有多种生理功能。

    Flavonoids is a kind of main active components in natural medicinal plants with many physiological functions .

  29. 经研究发现,多糖是石斛属植物的主要活性成分。

    In many studies , polysaccharides from Dendrobii plants were found to be the main active components .

  30. 防治仓储害虫的植物筛选及活性成分研究

    The Studies on the Screening of Plant Controlling Stored Grain Pest and the Bioactivity of Substance Killing Stored grain Pest