
  • 网络activator protein;activator;plant activator protein
  1. 研究了植物激活蛋白对烟草花叶病毒RNA及外壳蛋白的抑制作用。

    The inhibition of plant activator protein on RNA and coat protein of tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV ) was studied .

  2. 利用抑制性消减杂交技术(suppressionsubtractivehybridization,SSH)成功构建了植物激活蛋白处理水稻与非处理组水稻中差异表达的消减cDNA文库。

    A suppression subtractive hybridization ( SSH ) library was built with cDNA from rice treated with activator protein as tester , and that untreated as driver .

  3. 植物激活蛋白能提高白菜叶片中粗蛋白、可溶性糖和维生素C含量,其中0.80g。

    Activator increased the content of rude protein and soluble sugar and Vitamin C in cabbage leaves , and 0.8g .

  4. 植物激活蛋白预防系统寄主抗TMV效果达67.27%,治疗效果达66.73%;

    The results showed that plant activator protein could reach up to 67.27 % for the protective effect and up to 66.73 % for the therapeutic effect on system hosts ;

  5. 链格孢菌cDNA入门文库和表达文库的构建为链格孢菌的分子生物学研究提供了良好的材料和工具,筛选出的植物激活蛋白编码序列为植物激活蛋白的克隆与表达奠定了基础。

    The cDNA entry library and expression library provide usable materials and tools for the research of molecular biology on Alternaria , and the coding sequence screened out of the expression library makes the clone and expression of plant activator protein possible .

  6. 烟草经植物激活蛋白处理后再接种TMV,枯斑中TMV外壳蛋白含量减少22.75%;叶片中外壳蛋白含量减少25%,TMV中RNA含量减少28%。

    In tobacco plants treated with plant activator protein , TMV coat protein in lesions decreased by 22.75 % , in leaf diminished by 25 % , and the content of RNA of TMV reduced by 28 % .

  7. 植物激活蛋白对鲜食玉米生长影响的研究

    Study on Effect of plant activator protein on table maize growth

  8. 植物激活蛋白对水稻秧苗生长及相关酶活性的影响

    The Influence of Plant Activator on Rice Seedling and Relative Enzyme Activities

  9. 植物激活蛋白对白菜生长及品质的影响

    Effect of plant activator protein products on growth and quality of cabbage

  10. 植物激活蛋白对有机棉光合及产量的影响

    Effects of Activator Protein on Photosynthetic and Yields Efficiency of Organic Cotton

  11. 植物激活蛋白工厂化生产及田间应用研究

    Industrial Production of Plant Activator Protein and Its Application in the Field

  12. 植物激活蛋白的纯化及其抗病作用机理初探

    Purification and Machanism of Resistant Disease of Plant Activator Protein

  13. 植物激活蛋白诱导脐橙抗病促生作用

    Effect of Plant Activate Protein on Disease Resistance and Quality of Navel Orange

  14. 植物激活蛋白对番茄抗病性的诱导作用

    Disease Resistance Induced by Plant Activator Protein in Tomato

  15. 结果表明:经植物激活蛋白诱导处理后,防御酶活性明显增强。

    Results show the activities of defense enzyme in tomato leaves increased obviously .

  16. 植物激活蛋白对烟草抗病促生和品质的影响

    The efficacy of tobacco growth enhancement and disease resistance by plant activator protein

  17. 本文研究了植物激活蛋白对烟草花叶病毒病的盆栽和田间诱抗效果以及激活蛋白对烟草生长和品质的影响。

    The plant activator protein greatly increased the resistance of tobacco to mosaic disease .

  18. 植物激活蛋白对甜菜夜蛾幼虫生长和发育的影响

    Effects of a plant activator protein on the growth and development of beet armyworm larvae

  19. 植物激活蛋白对白术的抗病增产作用

    The Function of Plant Activate Protein to Enhance Disease Resistance and Yield in Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome

  20. 在大田生长条件下,进行了不同浓度植物激活蛋白制剂对白菜生长、产量以及品质的影响。

    Effects of plant activator protein products on growth , yield and quality of cabbage were studied in farmland .

  21. 从真菌中提取的植物激活蛋白是一类热稳定蛋白,具有诱导植物抗性和促进植物生长的作用。

    Plant activator protein from Alternaria sp. , which is short for ActP , is a kind of thermostable protein , which can promote plant growth .

  22. 植物激活蛋白能调节脐橙生长,增强对不良环境的适应性,对日灼病、脐黄病、裂果病三大生理性病害有32.18%~50.54%的诱抗效果。

    The resistance inducing efficacy of three main physiological diseases which include sun scald and fruit split and navel yellow was from 32.18 % to 50.54 % . Navel orange treated with plant activate protein appeared symmetrical size and sheeny fruit husk .