
  • 网络vegetative state;persistent vegetative state
  1. 然而,现代医学技术创造了第三个选项&永久性植物人状态。

    Modern medicine , however , has created a third option , the persistent vegetative state .

  2. 这就是D阶段,可以叫做,持续植物人状态。

    There we are in Phase D , in something like , perhaps , persistent vegetative state .

  3. 她处于医生所说的不可逆性植物人状态已经5年了。

    She had been in what doctors described as an irreversible vegetative state for five years

  4. 处于植物人状态长达三年之久后。

    After being in a vegetative stace for three years .

  5. 但他并非处于植物人状态。

    But is not in a persistant vegetative state .

  6. 死亡1例,植物人状态2例。

    Case died , vegetable in 2 cases .

  7. 总统办公室也表示医生否认有关曼德拉处于永久性植物人状态的报告。

    The Presidents office also said doctors denied reports that 94-year-old Mandela is in a vegetative state .

  8. 声明还称,医生否认前总统处于植物人状态。

    The doctors deny that the former president is in a vegetative state , the statement added .

  9. 然而,如果诊断是“植物人状态”,生命支持却可以随时关掉。

    If the label says " vegetative state ", however , that life support could be turned off any time .

  10. 早先治疗他的比利时医生说,朗姆已经从昏迷状态变为植物人状态。

    Belgian doctors who treated him early on said that Rom had gone from a coma into a vegetative condition .

  11. 还例举在癫痫病的诊断定位及植物人状态的脑功能代谢、激活反应情况。

    In addition , diagnosed localization of epilepsy , brain functional metabolism and activate response at vegetative state were also enumerated .

  12. 研究人员使用携带型脑电图仪记录了16名被诊断为处于植物人状态的患者大脑中传来的电子信号。

    Researchers used a portable electroencephalography ( EEG ) device to record electrical signals from the brains of16 patients diagnosed as being in a vegetative state .

  13. 男子说:「我要让你知道,我不想在植物人状态下,靠机器和瓶装液体(点滴)活著。

    " Just so you know , I never want to live in a vegetative state , dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle ," the man said .

  14. 法新社当地时间周四报道,法庭文件称曼德拉的主治医生说他现在处于永久植物人状态,一周前就曾建议他的家人关闭生命维持机。

    Court documents obtained earlier Thursday by AFP showed that doctors treating Mandela said he was in a permanent vegetative state and advised his family to turn off his life support machine a week ago .

  15. 在过去的15年中,崔老太生活的大部分时间都是在照顾老伴,近几年,老伴病情不断恶化逐渐陷入植物人状态,崔老太感觉压力与日俱增。

    Over the past 15 years , Cui spent most of her time taking care of her husband . In the last couple of years , she felt increasing pressures as her husband 's condition worsened and eventually left him in a vegetative state .

  16. 她处于一种被称为植物人的状态。

    She was in what was described as a vegetative state .

  17. 上海某社区老年护理病房植物人持续状态住院患者费用调查

    Costs of Persistent-Vegetative-Status Patients in Elderly Care Units in a Shanghai Community Health Service Centre

  18. 特丽·夏沃1990年突发心脏病后大脑严重受损,进入专家们所说的“持续性植物人”状态?

    Terri Schiavo slipped into what medical experts call a persistent vegetative state after suffering massive brain damage brought on by a heart attack in 1990 .

  19. 一名瘫痪的美国男子母亲今天说,她儿子已从医生认为是植物人的状态脱离出来,其实他完全清醒已23年,只是无法反应,因为身子瘫痪了。

    A man who emerged from what doctors thought was a vegetative state says he was fully conscious for23 years but could not respond because he was paralyzed , his mother said Monday .