
  • 网络plant molecular biology
  1. RNAi技术及其在植物分子生物学中的应用

    RNAi and its Application in Plant Molecular Biology

  2. LEA基因表达调控的研究是目前植物分子生物学研究的热点之一。

    The study on the regulatory mechanism of LEA gene expression is an important feature of modern plant molecular biology .

  3. 药用植物分子生物学研究中的分子标记

    Molecular marks used in researches on molecular biology of medicinal plants

  4. 王跃居1998年到美国学习植物分子生物学。

    Wang started to study Plant Molecular Biology in the US in 1998 .

  5. 1994~2003年我国植物分子生物学研究文献计量分析

    Quantitative Analysis On Plant Molecular Biology Literatures Published from 1994 to 2003 in China

  6. 植物分子生物学前沿国际研讨会

    Frontiers of Plant Biology , 2006

  7. 植物分子生物学中的双元系统

    Binary System in plant molecular biology

  8. 花发育机制是当前植物分子生物学研究的热点之一,也是植物分子育种的基础之一。

    Flower development mechanism is a extensive research field in plant molecular biology and molecular breeding .

  9. 转基因技术一直是植物分子生物学研究的重要领域之一。

    The research on the gene transformation always is a hot spot in the field of plant molecular .

  10. 在植物分子生物学领域,表皮毛是研究植物细胞分化调控的一种非常有用的模式,其形态发生与其周围的表皮细胞明显不同,而且,起源和发育也由于具有特殊性而易于观察。

    In the field of plant molecular biology , the trichome is a useful cell type for studying regulation of plant cell differentiation .

  11. 转基因技术为植物分子生物学基础研究和作物遗传改良等提供了新途径,已成为植物生物技术的核心工具之一。

    Transgenic technology for basic research in plant molecular biology and genetic improvement of crops has become one of the core tools of plant biotechnology n plant science .

  12. 随着植物分子生物学的快速发展,对植物耐盐性的研究已深入到耐盐相关基因的克隆、基因结构与功能的分析及其表达特性的研究。

    With the development of molecular biology , the research of plant salt-tolerance has been extended into many domains , including gene cloning , analysis of gene structure and function and feature of gene expression , etc.

  13. 结论石斛属药用植物分子生物学研究为有效利用、开发、保护及开拓石斛资源创造了条件,也为以突变体和生物检测方法来克隆中药有效成分的功能基因探索了一条新路子。

    Conclusion Molecular biology research of medical dendrobii facilitates the utilization , development , protection and source expansion of medical dendrobii , and creates a new way to clone the functional genes of herbal active principles .

  14. 到目前为止,拟南芥一直是研究植物分子生物学途径的最好模式材料,但拟南芥是真正的甜土植物,因此,使用拟南芥将只能揭示关于植物耐盐性较少的信息。

    Up to now , Arabidopsis is the popular model material for plant molecular biology research , but it is a glycophyte , and Arabidopsis can only reveal a little information of the plant salt tolerance .

  15. 随着植物分子生物学和功能基因组学的快速发展,我们对植物复杂的抗病反应过程有了越来越清晰的了解。同时,越来越多的抗病和抗病反应过程相关基因的克隆也成为可能。

    With the fast progress of plant molecular biology and plant functional genomics , the complicated resistance reaction process of plant have been understood much clearly , and more and more resistance genes and related genes have been cloned .

  16. 植物分子生物学和基因组学中的新技术使得高效林木遗传改良成为可能并将促进这些技术的商业化应用。

    New technologies of plant molecular biology and genomics now make it possible high-efficient genetic improvement of forest trees . Genetic engineering promises to expand greatly the potential for genetic manipulation as new genes of commercial interest are discovered and utilized .

  17. 拟南芥是植物分子生物学领域的模式植物,通过对其基因结构及功能的详尽研究,可以更好地理解和认识遗传上更为复杂的高等植物的生长和发育过程。

    Arabidopsis thaliana is a model in the area of plant molecular biology , so detailed investigations to the structures and functions of Arabidopsis genes will help us to further comprehend the growth and development process of altitude plants which are complex in genetics .

  18. 杨树生长周期短,离体操作容易,基因组相对较小,是根癌农杆菌的天然宿主,是研究木本植物分子生物学和林木基因工程的模式植物。

    Poplar has many advantages , such as short growth periods , smaller genome , easier to propagate and operate and the natural host of Agrobacterium tumefaciens , so it is the model plants for the studies of tree molecular biology and forest genetic engineering .

  19. 这些结果为今后进一步开展苔藓植物的分子生物学研究奠定了基础。

    The consequences were the base of further studying moss plant molecular biology .

  20. 重要观赏兰科植物的分子生物学研究进展

    Progress on Molecular Biology of Main Ornamental Orchidaceae

  21. 水稻是单子叶植物发育分子生物学研究的理想模式植物。

    Rice is also a model plant for study of the molecular developmental biology in monocots .

  22. 目前本领域已成为植物发育分子生物学的前沿热点研究领域之一。

    Now , this field has become one of the frontiers of plant developmental and molecular biology .

  23. 《植物生理与分子生物学学报》编辑委员会

    Editorial Board of Journal of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology

  24. 植物生理与分子生物学学报第31卷作者索引

    Author Index of Vol.31

  25. 课程包括生态学,动物学,植物科学,分子生物学和其他自然科学的基础学科。

    Coursework includes ecology , zoology , plant science , molecular biology , and other general studies in the natural sciences .

  26. 当今一些模式植物纤维素合成分子生物学研究取得了良好的进展,为苎麻纤维素合成的分子生物学研究提供了丰富的参考。

    Recent researches on molecular mechanism of cellulose biosynthesis in some model plants have made great progress and providing perfect alternative information for understanding the molecular mechanism of cellulose biosynthesis in ramie .

  27. 植物ACC合成酶的分子生物学

    Research Advance in the Molecular Biology of ACC Synthase of Plant

  28. 耐旱苔藓植物生理学及分子生物学研究进展

    The Development of the Physiology and Molecular Biology of the Desiccation-tolerant Mosses

  29. 植物甜菜碱合成酶的分子生物学和基因工程

    Molecular Biology and Gene Engineering of Betaine Synthetase in Plant

  30. 园艺植物多酚氧化酶的分子生物学研究进展

    Advances in Studies on Molecular Biology of Polyphenol Oxidase in Horticultural Plants