
  • Shu Uemura
  1. 植村秀散粉。绸缎般的质地,创造出透明哑光的效果。

    A satin texture with a sheer or matte finish .

  2. 她拿起植村秀的眉毛卷毛器,她问:“这是什么?”

    She held up the Shu Uemura eyelash curler and said , " What is this ? "

  3. 不过邱佩特并不只是一只宠物猫,它只参与了两个广告的拍摄就在一年里独自挣得了230多万英镑,其中一个是为日本美容产品植村秀拍摄的,另一个则是为德国汽车公司沃克斯豪尔拍摄的。

    But Choupette isn 't only a kept kitty , for she made more than £ 2.3million in one year alone after appearing in just two ad campaigns - one for Japenese beauty product Shu Uemura , and for German car company Vauxhall .