
mí nǐ
  • mini;miniature;micro
迷你 [mí nǐ]
  • [mini] 同类事物、产品中小巧、精致的

  • 迷你型

  1. 他16岁的时候有了第一部车,是一部迷你车,被他改装后撞坏了。

    He had his first car at sixteen , a Mini , which he souped up and crashed .

  2. 不过White表示,“迷你”指的并不是较小尺寸,而是低端定位的价格。

    The " mini " name doesn 't necessarily refer to the size of the device , he said , but a lower entry-level price .

  3. 她身穿迷你裙和紧身上衣走下了飞机。

    She walked off the plane in a miniskirt and tight top

  4. 迷你车车主们正变卖旧车换进“真正的”汽车。

    Mini-car owners are trading up to ' real ' cars

  5. 她身穿一条紧身的黑色迷你裙。

    She 's wearing a slinky black mini-skirt .

  6. 他看上去就像是他那个英俊儒雅的哥哥的迷你版。

    He looked like a miniature version of his handsome and elegant big brother .

  7. 迷你车在日本的销量迅猛增长,使日本超过英国成为该车最大的消费市场。

    Sales are booming in Japan , which has overtaken Britain as the Mini 's biggest market .

  8. 我们在打迷你高尔夫。

    We were playing mini-golf .

  9. 有没有想过,牛仔裤口袋上方的迷你口袋用途何在?

    Ever wonder why there 's a teeny-tiny pocket above the regular ones in the front of your jeans ?

  10. 上海徐家汇的机器人魔力餐厅(RobotMagicRestaurant)给人以一种太空时代迷你高尔夫的氛围。

    One in Shanghai 's Xujiahui district , Robot Magic Restaurant , cultivates a space-age , mini-golf ambience .

  11. 当您准备好部署AppEngine项目时,将启动迷你喷气式分机,激活项目。

    You 'll launch the mini-jet when you 're ready to deploy the App Engine project , making it live .

  12. 但是柏林的迷你E用户的驾驶习惯使得测试结果同普通迷你没什么太大区别。

    But the driving patterns of Mini E users in Berlin turned out to differ only slightly from those in ordinary Minis .

  13. 最佳迷你剧/电影:《美国罪案故事:公诉辛普森》(“ThePeoplev.O.J.Simpson:AmericanCrimeStory”,FX)

    Mini-Series or Movie : " The People v. O. J. Simpson : American Crime Story " ( FX )

  14. 它还有一个迷你SD卡插槽,扬声器,和世界的电话支持。

    It also has a Mini SD card slot , a speakerphone , and world phone support .

  15. CEA迷你基因串联体肿瘤疫苗的构建

    Construction of three tandem repeats of minigene DNA vaccine derived from carcinoembryonic antigen gene

  16. 2008年,他还写过一部轰动的英国恐怖迷你剧《死亡片场》(DeadSet),想像出一个僵尸末日世界,发生在《老大哥》(BigBrother)真人秀片场。

    He also wrote a hit British horror mini-series , Dead Set , in 2008 , which imagined a zombie apocalypse taking place around the reality series Big Brother .

  17. 尽管名字叫做迷你,但这款7.9寸屏的iPadMini却是迷你平板电脑中的巨人之一。

    Despite its name , the 7.9-inch iPad Mini is one of the largest among the mini-tablets .

  18. 最佳迷你剧集/电影类导演:苏珊娜•比埃尔(SusanneBier),《夜班经理》(TheNightManager)

    Directing for a Mini-Series or Movie : Susanne Bier , " The Night Manager "

  19. Barry甚至在打迷你高尔夫球的时候都不会吻我。不会吧。

    Barry wouldn 't even kiss me on a miniature golf course .

  20. 迷你剧集/电影类最佳女演员:萨拉•保罗森(SarahPaulson),《美国罪案故事:公诉辛普森》(ThePeoplev.O.J.Simpson:AmericanCrimeStory)

    Actress in a Mini-Series or Movie : Sarah Paulson , " The People v. O. J. Simpson : American Crime Story "

  21. 但CaféConstant仍是康斯坦特最喜欢的咖啡屋,他喜欢坐在酒吧间,嘴里叼着雪茄,得意地扫视自己的迷你帝国。

    But Caf é Constant remains his favourite place to perch at the bar with an unlit cigar in his mouth and survey his mini-empire .

  22. 目前产品主要有便携式DVD、MP3机、液晶迷你电视、车载DVD等系列产品。

    At present , major products portable DVD , MP3 , LCD mini TV , Car DVD and other products .

  23. 介绍了一种改良性RK术,即迷你RK术的概况。

    An improved radial keratotomy , Mini RK was introduced .

  24. 实际上,RUP迭代可以看作有计划,发布,和评估的“迷你项目”。

    In fact , RUP iterations can be visualized as being " mini projects " with a plan , deliverables , and assessment .

  25. 从目前来看,该产品的另一个重大缺点是,你需要一个安卓(Android)系统的移动设备来运行4.0版的安卓软件,才能控制这台迷你机器人。

    Another significant drawback , for now , is that you need an Android mobile device running Android software version 4.0 to control the Mini .

  26. 接下来,帕西诺在HBO于2003年推出的迷你剧集《天使在美国》中扮演了律师罗伊·科恩。

    Pacino next starred as lawyer Roy Cohn in the2003 HBO miniseries of Tony Kushner 's play Angels in America .

  27. 用MOP可以做的一件有趣的事情是创建伪领域专用语言,或者称为迷你语言。

    One of the interesting things you can do with MOP is create pseudo-domain-specific languages , or mini-languages .

  28. 宏碁股份有限公司(AcerInc.)展示了一个迷你的Windows8平板电脑,这个八英寸的平板电脑拥有台式电脑的功能。

    Acer Inc. showcased a mini Windows 8 tablet that compressed the functions of a desktop into an 8-inch tablet .

  29. 西方世界的Facebook正尝试将所用应用集中于一个地方,中国许多迷你Facebook则采用分布式模式,完全由用户控制。

    Whereas the western world Facebook is trying to aggregate all applications into one place , in China many mini Facebooks are distributed and fully controlled by users .

  30. 7月,希杰公司旗下的健康和美丽连锁店OliveYoung(欧利芙洋)开始针对女性卖一些保健产品,包括哑铃和迷你健身球。

    In July , Olive Young , a health and beauty chain owned by CJ Corp , began selling health products targeted at women , including dumb-bells and a mini gym ball .