
  • 网络miniature book;mini book
  1. 安娜卡地姆设计的酷似迷你书的特殊戒指。

    Unusual ring design by Ana Cardim looks like a miniature book .

  2. 如果你想要了解关于使用这些标准和这个架构蓝图如何构造组合应用一些更多的细节,请参考这本发表在InfoQ上的迷你书。

    If you want some more details about how to construct composite software using these standards and this architecture blueprint , this mini-book was published on InfoQ last week .

  3. 拿破仑就曾将迷你书带上了战场。

    Napoleon once carried a mobile library of the books into battle .

  4. 现在的很多迷你书印得像明信片一样漂亮。

    Today 's tiny books are just fancy greeting cards .

  5. 迷你书虽小,但内容却涉及几乎所有的时髦话题,名人传记、宠物、瘦身减肥等,可谓无所不包。

    Tiny as they are , the books have covered almost all the popular topics include celebrity biographies , pets and dieting .

  6. 迷你书的销售遍及美国。咖啡馆,小商店,售花亭,修车场,迷你书的倩影随处可见。

    From coffee houses to local shops , from florists to garages , the tiny books are sold everywhere in the US .

  7. 现在迷你书已经风行市场,但却少有人知道它的历史竟可以追溯到15世纪。

    While mini-books have become a big business , there are few people who would believe that these books date back to15th century .