
  • 网络refresh rate
  1. 通过Ajax技术实现Web应用的富界面特性,以减少浏览器和服务器间数据交互的问题,提高页面的刷新速度,提高程序执行效率,具体实现使用ASP.NET、AJAX。

    Ajax is used through technology-rich Web application interface features to reduce the browser and server data interaction problems , and enhance the pages refresh rate and improve the efficiency of procedures , the concrete realization use ASP . NET , AJAX .

  2. 我没有发现彩虹现象而且刷新速度也很高。

    I didn 't see any rainbow effects and the refresh rate was super fast .

  3. 给出了采用简化方案和优化技术的实验结果,并作了分析,构建的室内3D游戏渲染引擎在主频率为40MHZ的中低档手机上取得了流畅的刷新速度。

    Some experimental results are given , the indoor 3D game rendering engine can be run on mobile phone of low computing power with smooth animation .

  4. 修改chordStats的一种简单方法是将vmstat命令替换为刷新速度更快的事件生成器。

    One simple way to modify chordStats is to replace the vmstat command with an event generator that refreshes faster .

  5. 再用LS-PREPOST刷新速度、查看结果,动画模拟过程,得出能量、速度、冲击力、应力等变化曲线。

    The velocity was refurbished , and the results and process simulation of movie were looked over with LS-PREPOST , and the variation curves of energy , velocity , resultant force and strain along time were obtained .

  6. 提高矢量地图屏幕刷新速度的策略及其工程实现

    Tactic and Engineering Implementation of improving the Screen Refreshing Rate of Vector Drawing

  7. 1919年,一架设计类似的卡普罗尼飞机从威尼斯飞往米兰,试图刷新速度记录。

    In 1919 , a Caproni aircraft of similar design was headed from Venice to Milan in an attempt to break a speed record .

  8. 该系统能脱机和连续长期运行,具有结构简单、显示刷新速度快、成本低等特点。

    The system can run off line or continuously for a long time , and it has the features of simple structure , high brushup , low cost , etc.

  9. 该系统具有刷新速度快、亮度高、灵活配置、功耗低等特点,外接16MHz时钟,显示屏能够清晰地显示汉字。

    The characteristics of this system are high speed of refresh , high brightness , high flexibility and lower ( power ) . It can display characters clear when the clock frequency is 16 MHz .

  10. 当采用完全重载的方法时,由于源数据集较大,大大增加了业务系统的负荷,刷新数据处理时间也较长,因此无法保证刷新速度,降低了数据仓库对数据变化的反应灵敏度。

    Due to the scale of data set used in complete refreshing , which brings heavy burden to the application and greatly increases ETL refreshing time , data warehouse can not guarantee refresh efficiency and reduce sensitivity towards changes .

  11. 本系统还使用了局部刷新算法,并结合HOOPS的关键帧技术,提高了图形数据处理和刷新速度,保证了每帧数据图形绘制的连续性和完整性。

    The system also uses the partial refresh algorithm combined with the HOOPS key frames technology . Then data processing and graphics refresh rate is greatly improved to ensure the continuity and integrity of the graphics rendering .