
shuā xīn shù jù
  • refresh data
  1. 并利用夹点的特殊性来刷新数据、改变属性、进行图形的高级编辑。

    Using grip to refresh data , change attribute and edit drawing ;

  2. 单击数据透视表工具栏上的刷新数据按钮,可以刷新数据透视表上的值。

    You can use the Refresh Data button on the PivotTable toolbar as a shortcut for the Refresh Data command .

  3. create和delete调用通过在完成后启动另一个list来刷新数据显示。

    The create and delete calls refresh the data displayed by initiating another list when they complete .

  4. JSP页或者Action类都会调用这些方法来检索或者从数据库刷新数据。

    These methods are called either by JSP pages or by Action classes to populate or retrieve data .

  5. 动态RAM则需要周期性地刷新数据。

    Dynamic RAM 's need to be refreshed periodically .

  6. 最后,刷新数据视图,ping从Web服务获取数据的控件。

    Finally , to refresh the view of your data , ping the component that retrieves data from the Web service .

  7. 其次,我们可以通过进入Refresh链接刷新数据。

    Second , we can refresh the data by tapping on the Refresh link .

  8. 返回刷新数据记录集后存在冲突的、链接到形状的数据记录集行的行ID组成的数组。

    Returns an array of the row IDs of data-recordset rows linked to a shape that are in conflict after the data recordset is refreshed .

  9. 本文通过JavaScript和WEBService的技术,提出一种基于B/S结构的应用系统无刷新数据交换的处理方法。

    With advanced technology of Java Script and Web Service , this article introduces a new method for data exchange without refreshing , which is based on B / S structural application system .

  10. MIB是驻留在内存住的数据结构,并且通过SNMP进程刷新数据。

    Residing in memory , MIBs are data structures that are constantly updated via the SNMP daemon .

  11. 如果要实现流风格的Comet,那么需要使连接保持开启,但是仍然刷新数据。

    If you wanted to implement a streaming style of Comet , you would want to keep the connection open , but still flush the data .

  12. 当您想刷新数据时,还有一个updateSeries()调用,接受一个名称和数据数组。

    There is also an updateSeries () call that takes a name and data array for when you want to refresh your data .

  13. 其四种通信服务中,数据分发服务可以为用户应用功能块的输入输出刷新数据,它是基于RTPS提供的可预先配置、优化的发布/订阅机制。

    In the four IDA communication services , data distribution service can refresh the input and output data for the users ' application function block , it is based on a preconfigured optimized publish / subscribe mechanism provided by the RTFS .

  14. 仅当需要的时候才刷新数据。

    Flushing the data is only performed when needed .

  15. 此过程可能需要花费几秒钟以完全刷新数据。

    The process may take a few seconds to fully refresh the data .

  16. 刷新数据源视图的操作完全是根据基础对象的名称进行的。

    Refreshing a data source view is based completely on the names of the underlying objects .

  17. 在这种情况下,需要等待几分钟,直至控制台刷新数据。

    In that case , just wait a few minutes until the console refreshes the data .

  18. 刷新数据时数据区域中的超级连接将被禁用。是否继续?

    Hyperlinks in the data range will be disabled when the data is refreshed . Continue ?

  19. 先刷新数据,才能恢复列的排序、筛选及版式信息。

    You must refresh the data before column sort / filter / layout information will be preserved .

  20. 通过单击按钮,您可以使用网页上的最新信息轻松地刷新数据。

    With the click of a button , you can easily refresh the data with the latest information from the web page .

  21. 在这种情况下,即便应用程序刷新数据,也仍然会由服务器缓存,以实现优化。

    In this case , even if the application flushes the data , it may still be buffered by the server for optimization .

  22. 当您需要在不重新构建数据的测试或灾难恢复系统上刷新数据时,这种方法很方便。

    This can be handy when you want to refresh data on a test or disaster recovery system that doesn 't need to be built from scratch .

  23. 然后,您仅需要在一定间隔之后连接到后台服务器(如每三十分钟),以刷新数据。

    Then , you would only need to connect to the backend server at some interval ( say , every thirty minutes ) to refresh the data .

  24. 方法的增强版;它们的主要目的是为测试创建正确的执行上下文,并在测试用例执行之后刷新数据。

    Methods ; their main purpose is to create the right execution context for a test and to refresh data after the execution of a test case .

  25. 刷新数据源视图可以删除表、列和关系以及添加列和关系,但刷新过程绝不会添加表。

    Refreshing a data source view can delete tables , columns , and relationships and add columns and relationships , but the refreshing process never adds tables .

  26. 连接信息保留在工作表中,以便在接收者打开它的时候,它将自动连接到服务器并刷新数据。

    The connection information is kept in the worksheet so that , when the receiver opens it up , it connects to the server automatically and the data is refreshed .

  27. 每次刷新数据时,您都将看到最新版本的数据,包括自从上次刷新数据后对数据所做的所有更改。

    Each time that you refresh data , you see the most recent version of the data , including any changes that were made to the data since it was last refreshed .

  28. 确保在执行写迭代后刷新数据;否则,它将滞留在缓冲区中,直到向流写入下一次迭代。

    Make sure you flush the data after you 're done writing an iteration ; otherwise , it may be stuck in a buffer until the next iteration is written to the stream .

  29. 特别是当它与使用数据的应用程序的需求不一致时,可能会在目标中频繁地刷新数据,而没有真正地使用数据,从而降低了资源的使用效率。

    In particular if it is not coordinated with the demands of the consuming application , data might be frequently refreshed in the target without being consumed , thus using the resource less efficiently .

  30. 当采用完全重载的方法时,由于源数据集较大,大大增加了业务系统的负荷,刷新数据处理时间也较长,因此无法保证刷新速度,降低了数据仓库对数据变化的反应灵敏度。

    Due to the scale of data set used in complete refreshing , which brings heavy burden to the application and greatly increases ETL refreshing time , data warehouse can not guarantee refresh efficiency and reduce sensitivity towards changes .