
  • 网络Fram;FeRAM;ferroelectric memories
  1. 铁电存储器在柴油机测控系统中的应用

    The Application of FRAM in Diesel Electronic Test and Control System

  2. 铁电场效应晶体管铁电存储器技术

    The ferroelectric field effect transistor FRAM Technique

  3. 用于铁电存储器的PZT薄膜的制备与性能

    Properties of PZT Thin Films Prepared by MOD Method for Ferroelectric Memories

  4. 目前主流的商业化铁电存储器是采用PZT材料来制备铁电薄膜,本论文对PZT铁电薄膜的改性进行了实验研究。

    Nowadays the ferroelectric thin films in majority of commercial FeRAM are made of PZT materials .

  5. PZT薄膜广泛应用于微电子学、光电子学、微电子机械系统等领域,可作为铁电存储器、传感器、声表面波器件和各种精密仪器控制部分的理想材料。

    PZT has been extensively used in many areas such as microelectronics , optoelectronics and microelectromechanical systems ( MEMS ) .

  6. 同时还提出以铁电存储器作数据存储器的IC卡、JAVA卡、移动电话卡和多功能卡等是未来IC卡的发展方向。

    In addition it , propounds that IC card using FeRAM . JAVA card . mobile telephone card and multifunctional card and so on are the development trend of IC card in the future .

  7. FRAM铁电存储器的应用

    The Application of FRAM Ferroelectric Non-volatile Memory

  8. 铁电存储器FRAM在风速仪中的应用

    Application of FRAM Using SPI in Anemoscope

  9. 用新型的铁电存储器代替传统了SDRAM,使系统对采集数据存储的可靠性得到保障。

    Replacing conventional SDRAM with new type ferroelectric memory , this system can get a guarantee on reliability of gathering data and storage .

  10. 仿真结果表明,铁电存储器在5V工作电压下工作周期为120ns。

    Simulation results show that the device operates at 5 V power supply with a working cycle of 120 ns .

  11. 镧锶钴氧(La(0.5)Sr(0.5)CoO3)因为其高电子和离子传导性,已经被广泛用于燃料电池,气体传感器及铁电存储器的电极材料等方面。

    La_ ( 0.5 ) Sr_ ( 0.5 ) CoO_3 has being applied in fuel cells , gas sensors and as electrodes in ferroelectric memories due to its relatively high electronic and ionic conductivity .

  12. 但是由于PZT存在抗疲劳特性差,铅易对环境造成污染等缺陷,寻找性能更好,更加环保的铁电存储器材料来替代PZT薄膜的研究工作一直都在进行。

    However the drawbacks of PZT such as bad fatigue properties and the pollution to environment because of the exist of lead driving researchers to find new materials which have better prosperities to replace PZT .

  13. 本文首先介绍了先进的铁电存储器脉冲式读出机理(pulse-sensingscheme),采用这种读出机理可以减小铁电材料疲劳特性对存储器的影响,但是基于这种读出机理的各种原有读出方法具有读出周期长的缺点。

    The advanced pulse-sensing scheme with high immunity to fatigue has been introduced in this paper . However , read cycle time of traditional sensing approaches based on this scheme is long .

  14. 本文主要通过实验制备和表征用于制作非挥发性铁电存储器的BNT纳米结构。

    In this thesis , the research is primarily focused on the studies of the fabrication and characteristics of BNT nanostructures for non-volatile ferroelectric memory application .

  15. 近年来,得益于非挥发存储器巨大的市场需求和铁电存储器在该领域的技术潜力,PZT再次受到广泛关注,并被视为制造下一代非挥发存储器的重要材料。

    In recently years , PZT attracts widely attention again because of its great technique potential in next generation non-volatile memory and it has been well recognized as one of the most important candidates in ferroelectric non-volatile memory technology .

  16. 介入治疗中支架材料的研究进展铁电存储器技术

    Development of materials science and technique in stent for interventional surgery

  17. 铁电存储器在脱扣器寿命测试台系统中的应用

    Application of Ferroelectric RAM in the System for Testing Releaser Lifetime

  18. 铁电存储器&存储器家族中最有发展潜力的新成员

    Ferroelectric Memory-the new member having the greatest potentiality in memory family

  19. 一个改进的用于铁电存储器设计的铁电电容宏模型

    An Improved Macro Model of Ferroelectric Capacitor for FeRAM Design

  20. 概述了FM24系列铁电存储器原理、功能特点和相关应用;

    The principle , function and some application of FRAM are presented .

  21. 农户节水技术应用动因与激励对策铁电存储器技术

    Motivation and Incentive for Water-Saving Technique Adoption by Farmers

  22. 铁电存储器的基本单元及其工作模式

    Memory Elements and Theirs Operating Processes of Ferroelectric Memory

  23. 铁电存储器在实时处理系统中的应用

    The Application of Ferroelectric Memory in Real-time Process System

  24. 铁电存储器及其疲劳机制的研究

    Ferroelectric Memory and Research on its Fatigue Mechanism

  25. 基于铁电存储器的高速和高保真汽车事故实时数据记录仪

    High - speed and high - fidelity real - time recorder based on FRAM

  26. 铁电存储器及研究进展

    The Progress in the Research on Ferroelectric Memories

  27. 铁电存储器被用来保存仪表所设定的参数和测量数据。

    Ferroelectric memory can store the setting parameters and data measured by the instrument .

  28. 层状结构铁电存储器的研究

    Study of Memory in Multilayer Ferroelectric Films

  29. 集成铁电存储器&新型快速、抗辐照、非挥发性存储器件

    Integrated Ferroelectric Memories ── A New Type of Fast Access and Radiation Hard Nonvolatile Memories

  30. 非易失铁电存储器的进展和若干问题

    On volatile ferroelectric memory and related issues