
tiě bǐnɡ yùn dònɡ yuán
  • discus thrower
  1. 论铁饼运动员的技术训练

    My View over Technical Training of Discus Thrower

  2. 波兰铁饼运动员彼得•马瓦霍夫斯基(PiotrMalachowski)在2008年北京奥运会时拿到了银牌。

    Piotr Malachowski , a Polish discus thrower won a silver medal at the Beijing Games in 2008 .

  3. 研究发现身体素质的全面发展是提高专项成绩的手段和基础,影响男子二级铁饼运动员成绩的主要身体素质依次为:体重、卧推和100m起跑;

    The study found that the overall development of physiques is to improve the physical condition of specific performance measures and on the basis .

  4. 物理学奖:授予PhilippePerrin,CyrilPerrot,DominiqueDeviterne,BrunoRagaru以及HermanKingma,以奖励他们有关“为何铁饼运动员总是会昏厥而扔链球的人则不会”的研究。

    PHYSICS : Philippe Perrin , Cyril Perrot , Dominique Deviterne , Bruno Ragaru and Herman Kingma for trying to determine why discus throwers become dizzy , and why hammer throwers don 't 。

  5. 高水平女子铁饼运动员运动素质的研究

    Research on The Sport Quality of The Advanced Woman Discus Thrower

  6. 山东省优秀铁饼运动员动作技术诊断

    Discus throwing technique diagnose for elite discus throwers of Shandong

  7. 青少年男子铁饼运动员赛前心理训练实验研究

    Research on the Pre-competition Psychology Training Experiment among Teenager Men Discus Athletes

  8. 我国6名优秀女子铁饼运动员最后用力技术部分的运动学特征

    Technical Kinematic Characteristics of 6 Chinese Elite Female Discus Throwers in Their Final Exertion

  9. 我不与其他铁饼运动员竞赛,我与我的历史竞赛。

    I don 't compete with other discus throwers , I compete with my history .

  10. 结果:32名铁饼运动员的统计数据全部纳入结果分析。

    RESULTS : Statistical data of 32 discus athletes were all involved in the result analysis .

  11. 青少年铁饼运动员选材初探

    Discussion of Young Discus Athlete Selection

  12. 动作速度定量控制在女子铁饼运动员快速力量训练中的应用研究

    A Applied Study on Quantitative Control of Action Velocity in Quick Strength Training for Discus Female Throwers

  13. 国内外优秀男子铁饼运动员6项素质指标对比分析

    The Contrast and Analysis of Six Quality Indexes for Excellent Men 's Throwers at Home and Abroad

  14. 我国优秀男子铁饼运动员竞技能力结构非衡性特征的研究

    Study on Unbalanced Characteristic of Structure of Competitive Ability of Excellent Male Discus Athletes in Our Country

  15. 我国青少年男子铁饼运动员基础训练现状与发展趋势的研究

    The Study on the Actuality and Development Trend of Teenager Man 's Discus Basic Training in Our Country

  16. 国内外优秀铁饼运动员最后用力技术的对比分析

    A comparative analysis of the last exertion skills of the elite discus throwers both in China and abroad

  17. 我国女子铁饼运动员旋转阶段环节技术指标的三维运动学分析

    Three-dimensional kinematics analysis of the technical indicator of the link of revolving stage to Chinese women 's discus throwers

  18. 我国男子铁饼运动员专项能力较差,是影响其运动成绩提高的主要问题。

    The weakness of our athletes'special field skill is the main factor affecting the improvement of men 's discus performance .

  19. 运用调查法和灰色关联分析,对我国优秀铁饼运动员专项力量素质现状进行了研究。

    The present situation of the specific strength of the Chinese elite discus throwers was researched by applying investigation and gray relative analysis .

  20. 目的:分析造成运动损伤的技术性因素,减少铁饼运动员的运动损伤,提高运动成绩。

    AIM : To analyze the technological factors of sport injury , to improve the achievement and avoid the injury of male discus athletes .

  21. 对女子铁饼运动员专项投掷速度影响最大的是下肢爆发力,其次是躯干力量,下肢最大力量的影响相对较小;

    The most important element that affects the specific throwing speed is the lower limbs explosive force , then the body force and last lower limbs maximum force .

  22. 形成腹部六块肌肉的斜纹肌对于希腊英雄,奥林匹克铁饼运动员或者任何想要看上去健硕的人来说都是必须的。

    Strong obliques - the side muscles that frame your six-pack - are a must for Greek heroes , Olympic discus throwers , or anyone who wants to look like one .

  23. 通过对中国优秀男子铁饼运动员与世界优秀男子铁饼运动员形态特征的对比分析,找出它们之间存在的差异及影响因素,揭示出中国男子铁饼运动水平长期落后的主要原因,并提出相应的对策。

    By comparing and analysing the characteristics of the body shape between the Chinese and foreign elite men discus throwers , the differences and the factors which influence them have been found .

  24. 本研究的目的是从运动学角度探讨我国优秀女子铁饼运动员出手方向和落点区域的影响因素,对相关运动学参数进行对比分析。

    The purpose of this parer is to explore the influencing factors of Chinese elite female discus throwers ' shot direction and landing area from the point of kinematics and analyze the relevant kinematic parameters .

  25. 现代运动竞技水平不断提高,比赛竞争日益激烈,使得培养一名世界级水平的掷铁饼运动员不仅需要消耗大量的人力、物力、财力,还需要多年、全面、系统的训练。

    With the improvement of modem athleticism level and impetuosity competition of match , it not only need spend many manpower , material and money , but also need complete and system training for years to bring up a first-class discus athlete .

  26. 通过对问卷的分析,发现14名女子铁饼运动员肩关节损伤的构成比最高的是肱二头肌长头肌肌腱损伤,为(34±3)%;

    It was found through analysis of questionaires that t he highest constituent ratio of injury in shoulder joint of female discus athletes was that of the tendon injury in caput longum musculi bicipitis brachii , which was ( 34 ± 3 ) % ;

  27. 重点分析女子铁饼运动员旋转开始阶段膝关节可能出现的运动损伤及其呈现的生物力学特点,包括右脚离着地瞬间至左脚离地瞬间右膝角和左膝角等指标。

    The possible sports injury and its biomechanical characteristics of the female discus athletes at the beginning phase of rotation were analyzed including the indexes of the angles between the instant away of the right foot and the instant away of the left foot .

  28. 结论:旋转开始阶段,由于女子铁饼运动员拉引角增加幅度相对较大,肱二头肌长头肌腱损伤构成比最高,拉引角增加幅度大可能是造成肱二头肌的长头肌腱损伤的重要因素。

    CONCLUSION : At the rotation beginning phase of national excellent female discus athletes , the rising range about shoulder angle of pulling is bigger with the higher formation ratio of tendon injury of long head of biceps brachii muscle as the important factor .

  29. 参加女子铁饼及格赛的运动员请注意,现在开始检录。

    Women 's discus throwers for the qualifying competition , attention please . it 's time for roll calling .