
  • 网络Polly;Pauly;Poly;poli
  1. “我不同意。”波利拒不妥协地说。

    ' I disagree , ' said Polly stoutly .

  2. 波利感到一阵强烈的嫉妒。

    Polly felt a sharp pang of jealousy .

  3. 波利烦恼地用舌头发出啧啧声。

    Polly clicked her tongue in annoyance .

  4. 他引用波利先生的话,说和谈已在进行之中。

    He quoted Mr Polay as saying that peace negotiations were already underway

  5. 波利咬了一口苹果,嚼了嚼咽了下去。

    Polly took a bite of the apple , chewed and swallowed .

  6. 我是克劳迪娅·波利,下面是新闻提要。

    I 'm Claudia Polley with the news headlines .

  7. 亚当•汤姆森(AdamThomson)巴黎、詹姆斯•波利提(JamesPoliti)罗马和邓肯•罗宾逊(DuncanRobinson)补充报道

    With additional reporting by Adam Thomson in Paris , James Politi in Rome and Duncan Robinson

  8. 体育历史学家、《英国奥运史》(TheBritishOlympics)的作者波利(MartinPolley)说,我认为这是1908年以来我们实力最强的团队。

    ' I believe it 's our strongest team since 1908 , ' said Martin Polley , a sports historian and author of the book ' The British Olympics . '

  9. 话虽如此,Pymetrics首席执行官弗里达?波利(FridaPolli)说,机器人招聘系统仍必须接受定期测试,以防偏见渗入。

    Still , robo-recruiters must be regularly tested in case bias has crept in , says Frida Polli , chief executive of Pymetrics .

  10. 美国已有约20人确诊为猪流感,尽管无人病情严重。美国国土安全部长珍尼特纳波利塔诺(JanetNapolitano)昨日宣布,美国进入公共卫生紧急状态。

    Janet Napolitano , homeland security secretary , yesterday declared a public health emergency in the US as about 20 people there were confirmed to have been infected , though none is seriously ill .

  11. 加洛称,波利柯傅斯卡亚遇害和2004年《福布斯》俄文版编辑保罗克列布尼科夫(paulklebnikov)被谋杀等案件,也许只是记者遭袭现象的冰山一角。

    Mr Gallo says cases such as hers and that of Paul klebnikov , editor of Forbes Russia murdered in 2004 , may be the tip of an iceberg of attacks on journalists .

  12. 小鸟死后我又落单了,我决定出发&首先去加里波利(Gallipoli)。之后,我搭上了一趟便宜的背包客巴士,开始了10天的环游欧洲之旅。

    After she died and I was left alone , I decided to head off - first to Gallipoli , followed by a 10-day overground trip on one of those cheap backpacker buses around Europe .

  13. 1960年代,一位被派驻纽约的名叫德米特里•波利亚科夫(DmitriPolyakov)的苏联军官要求把他病入膏肓的儿子送到美国寻求一位医生的救治,遭到了莫斯科方面毫不留情的拒绝。

    A Soviet military officer named Dmitri Polyakov , posted to New York in the 1960s , was refused permission by an implacable Moscow to take his fatally ill son to a U.S. doctor .

  14. 去年,当地报纸刊登了墨西哥石油工人联盟负责人的女儿乘坐私人飞机周游世界的一些照片,与她同行的还有她的三只斗牛犬——黑柯(Keiko)、波利(Boli)和莫根希达(Morgancita)。

    Last year , local newspapers ran pictures of the daughter of the head of the country 's oil workers union traveling the world in private jets with her three bulldogs , Keiko , Boli and Morgancita .

  15. 波利是电影圈的老将,四岁就得到第一个角色,曾参演凯瑟琳·毕格罗(KathrynBigelow)和伊莎贝尔·科塞特(IsabelCoixet)等其他女导演的影片,所以她十分了解女人想在家庭和事业之间保持平衡时面临的挑战。

    An industry veteran - she landed her first role at the age of 4 , and has acted for other female auteurs like Kathryn Bigelow and Isabel Coixet - Polley understands all too well the challenges women face trying to balance their domestic and occupational lives .

  16. 他曾为加里波利战役的主要代表人物。

    He had been the principal exponent of the Gallipoli campaign .

  17. 它给波利先生的生活带来很大变化。

    It brought about a great change in the life of Mr.

  18. -谢谢你,蒂姆-不客气,波利

    Thank you , Tim . You 're welcome , Polly .

  19. “可是我可爱的儿子在哪里呢?”波利问道。

    ' But where 's my pretty boy ? 'said Polly .

  20. 他很快来取波利了。

    He ? S coming round to get Polly quite soon .

  21. 波利,我一直喂你吃药。

    Pollux , I hand-fed you those pills for years .

  22. 波利拿着一封信蹦蹦跳跳地跑进房间来。

    Polly came bounding into the room holding a letter .

  23. 波利的手机怎么了?

    What 's the matter with polly 's cell phone ?

  24. 通往的黎波利和班加西的航线被掐断。

    Libo Li and leading to the Benghazi route was cut off .

  25. “您没有把您的高兴表现出来,”波利说。

    ' You don 't show it , 'said Polly .

  26. 波利是一只鸟吗?是的,它是。

    Is Polly a bird ? Yes , it is .

  27. 波利给小燕打电话看她是否想出去。

    Polly phones Xiaoyan to see if she wants to go out .

  28. 波利是一只鹦鹉吗?是的,我是。

    Is Polly a parrot ? C.Yes , I am .

  29. “我还以为您会高兴的呢,”波利说道。

    ' I thought you would have been pleased , 'said Polly .

  30. 大的罚款,取消我的感觉现在,波利。

    Da 's fine , de way I feel now , Polly .