
  • 网络Persian Leopard
  1. 这些应用程序在不接入互联网的情况下使用,因此比如濒危的波斯豹等物种信息即使在阿富汗这样偏远的保护区也可以浏览。

    The apps can be used without an internet connection , so information about , for example , the endangered Persian leopard can be accessed even in a remote protected area in Afghanistan .

  2. 俄罗斯已开始在高加索区域引进波斯豹,不过世界自然基金会指出奥林匹克吉祥物雪豹,只住在俄罗斯西伯利亚南部的偏远地带。

    Russia has started reintroducing the Persian leopard in the Caucasus , but the WWF pointed out that the Olympics Mascot was a snow leopard , which in Russia lives only in distant southern Siberia .