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  1. 当离震中距离更大时,瑞雪波才变得显著。

    At greater epicentral distances the Rayleigh waves become very prominent .

  2. 只有发散球面波才是唯一稳定解。

    The only stable solution is the diverging spherical wave .

  3. 我们指出只有在激发比较弱时,这组方程才可近似为一组线性方程,电子空穴极化波才可以看作玻色场。

    We point out that the equation can be approximated by a set of linear ones and the exciton polarization wave can be regarded as a Bose field only in the limit of low excitation .

  4. 数值模拟结果表明:源距为1.0~1.5m及声源中心频率为15~20kHz时,只有当模拟地层的半径大于1.5m时,模拟井中的主要波列才不受最外层边界的影响;

    Numerical modeling results show that the main waveforms in the borehole are not affected by the outmost interface only when the radius of simulated formation is greater than 1.5 m for different offset between 1.0 m and 1.5 m and source frequency between 15 kHz and 20 kHz respectively .

  5. 因为只有在以econ-101(灌输给每一名美国大学本科生的宏观经济学标准课程)命名的星球上,这波发债浪潮才不会引起“利率的上行压力”。

    For only on planet econ-101 ( the standard macroeconomics course drummed into every US undergraduate ) could such a tidal wave of debt issuance exert " no upward pressure on interest rates " .

  6. 译文:毫米波制导技术目前才刚刚起步。

    The technology of millimeter wave guidance is still in its infancy now .

  7. 他们必须对这项任务有所准备:这波交易所合并浪潮才刚刚开始。

    They must be ready for the task : this wave of exchange mergers is only just beginning .

  8. 在稠油热采地震监测中,储层特性的变化主要是通过弹性波参数的变化才最终表现为地层速度和实际地震响应的变化。

    The variation of reservoir characteristics mainly show the changes of reservoir velocity and actual seismic response caused by the change of elastic parameters In the process of seismic monitoring of the heavy-oil thermal recovery .