- Ups and downs;with one climax following another

Ah , the society is a large stage , so is human life a living play with one climax following another .
The years 2007-08 , and especially the dramatic aftermath of the Lehman collapse , brought a new challenge , in that it repeated one aspect of the Great Depression story that is different from 1929 .
Love is a moving sea , between our soul !
He 's had a long , eventful life .
They were playing Early One Morning , that happy , jouncy tune .
The history of capitalism is a social movement history of changes and development .
World socialist movement underwent a historical process of undulating , tortuous development in the 20th C.
Give them unquiet dreams ;
Apparel market in 2003 undulated
Contemporary China is being at a stage of social transformation , and each interest group continues splitting up .
The Duchess is also reported to have become ' emotional ' during the visit after hearing stories of the landmark 's past .
We are not a country existing in troublous times , but it is obvious that the huge social reform occurrent affects the legal rule .
However , even on the site of the opening ceremony , you could not judge on what those waving-up-and-down " moveable types " depended to become living .
Mr bunder said : " as the new year opens , continued macroeconomic volatility suggests that markets could remain choppy through the first part of the year . "
His poetry creation is in the undulating change unpredictably , and in the trend of the times in difficult , so he is an experienced difficulties and perseverance poetry watcher .
Having said all that , since I am with friends , I have to say the past three years have also seen more than their fair share of highs and lows .
During the three - year long trials , despite unexpected events billowing one after another , justice triumphed over wickedness , and the war criminals were deservedly punished in the end .
A mortal dizziness was upon him , and before his eyes the sea of faces sagged and swayed , while to his ears , as from a remote distance , came the count of the referee .
The emergence of the letters create the dramatic effect of discovery and suspense in the novel , make the original dull story becomes the ups and downs , lively and interesting , and enhance the novel interesting and attractive .
If his novels are arranged according to the times which reflect , then thirty years ' turbulent society reality and great historical waves from the age of May 4th to the eve of the victory liberation war in China are put on display .
In the First Half of the Year , China continues to implement the proactive fiscal policy and looser monetary policy , but many changing financial economic factors , such as the money supply , investment and price index , leaded the Treasury bond market price level ups and downs .
The single life of Huizi an me is lived silently and slowly , without ups and downs .